Primary School

Teachers have been busy completing the Semester 1 individual student reports. These show the progress students have made in all of their subjects for Term 1 and Term 2. Comments are provided for Pastoral Care, English and Mathematics. For English, students are assessed in the areas of; reading and viewing, writing and representing and speaking and listening. Within Mathematics, students are assessed in the areas of; number and algebra, measurement and geometry and statistics and probability. In addition, with the introduction of the new English and Mathematics syllabus in Kindergarten to Year 2 this year, the English report has been further broken down into more explicit feedback for; phonological awareness, phonic knowledge, reading comprehension, reading fluency, print conventions, creating written texts, spelling, handwriting, understanding and responding to literature, vocabulary and oral language and communication. 


Reports can be accessed via SEQTA Engage at the end of the school day on Friday 23 June. To view your child/ren’s individual reports, parents need to log into their SEQTA Engage portal. If you experience difficulties, accessing SEQTA Engage, please contact our IT help desk at Our IT staff will happily assist you with this process. 


Next Friday 23 June, marks the last day of Term 2. We will have an early finish at 2:05pm. Buses will arrive one hour ahead of their normal scheduled times. Our students and staff are looking forward to a restful break after a very busy term. We hope that you can all find time to recharge and connect with your families and friends over the 2-week holiday period. Travel safely and keep warm and well. The office will be open from 9am to 3:30pm over the 2-week holiday in case you need to contact the school.


Term 3 starts on Tuesday 11 July for students. Staff are involved in a diverse range of Professional Learning sessions on Monday 10 July; however, the Primary Office will be open.


Da Vinci Decathlon Regionals

On Wednesday 7 June at 4:30am, 16 students from Years 5 and Year 6, along with Mrs Rykers and Miss Briggs travelled to The Riverina Anglican College in Wagga Wagga to compete in the Da Vinci Decathlon Regionals. The students have worked hard for months to prepare for this event and they were excited to finally being able to showcase their skills. It was a busy day with lots of great challenges along the way and some amazing results. 


Year 6 team: Matthew Maxwell, Ted Morton, Cabe Ludlow, Quinn Downward, Keisha Hall, Lyla Bassett, Lyla Harris and Evie Townrow.

Year 5 team: Ted Palmer, Charlie Palmer, Oliver Knight, Hugh Thomson, Harlow McCallum, Alex Woods, Scarlette Roberts and Ruby Law.


The Year 6 team scored first place in the following areas; engineering, science and creative producers. The Year 5 team came third overall with the following places in the following areas; 

first for cartography; second for science and art and poetry and third for maths, English, legacy and engineering. Congratulations to all students involved on their perseverance and great attitude. You should be incredibly proud of yourselves.


Stage 2 Citizenship Awards

Citizenship Awards in Year 3 and Year 4 are to recognise students who have demonstrated kindness, respect for others and have been an all-round fantastic member of the School community. Someone that goes above and beyond to make people feel welcomed, safe and cared for. The award is peer nominated which allows students an opportunity to recognise those people around them who are great citizens of our School community, people who are role models to them and others in their class. It allows students to show gratitude for the consistent small things that someone does to make their day happier. 


Congratulations to the following recipients who received their award at the recent Stage Assembly:

Stage 2 Citizenship Awards 

Roby McKee
Billie Chapman
Lucy Donnan
Sam Whitelegg
Archie Flanigan
Aria McKenzie
Jack McKay
Violet Lew


Christ Church Anglican Echuca 

On Wednesday 7 June the Kindergarten students took a bus ride to visit our school church. They braved the rain to be welcomed by Reverend Phil and other church representatives. The students started by talking about the RVE unit they are studying this term ‘God’s family’. Reverend Phil spoke and we all sung a song together. The Kinders explored the church to learn the meaning of symbolic items such as the communion table, looked at the pictures in the stain glass windows, walked through other areas of the church such as the op shop and talked about what happens at a church service. Xavier even got to make some loud music on the pipe organ! They finished with some craft and a prayer. We would like to thank Christ Church Anglican Echuca for our visit.


Writing Competition

Congratulations to Arabella Knight (Stage 1) and Autumn Corlette-Love (Stage 2) for winning the MAG Write On creative writing competition. Students were given a writing stimulus image which included camels walking in a line to prompt their creative pieces. Thank you to Mrs Kim Day for running this exciting Academic Co-Curricular group this term. 


I got woken up by my parents. They said to get up. I was about to brush my teeth, but my parents said to just get in the car. 

When I was in the car my dad started to drive. My sister Bella and I started to worry. My parents remained silent. Suddenly, my dad drove into a tree! The tree was about to fall on us. All four of us quickly got out of the car. My mum said to “not stop running”. We promised to not stop running.

Bella and I ran and we stayed together. We ran into the forest. Suddenly there was a herd of camels in front of us. One of them stood on Bella. She screamed! We went into the forest even deeper. We sat down under a tree. I moved her ankle around a little. Her ankle was broken. The camels stopped running. I helped Bella hobble up to them. We got on the biggest camel. The camels started running again, and they ran and ran and ran to a town that saved Bella’s life.

By Arabella Knight Year 1C



Comfy humps that bump at every step.

A long ride that feels like it goes on forever.

Miserable desert where the tumbleweeds roll.

Eager to go on and on and on.

Life on the sand leaving footsteps behind.

Sitting on the humps that go up and down.

By Autumn Corlett-Love Year 3A


Primary Chapel Service

The Pentecost Chapel was held on Friday 9 June. It was hosted by Year 2 students under the direction of their RVE teacher Mrs Megan McMaster and Chaplain Mr Stuart Martin. This service was Stuart’s last Chapel Service at our school and we wish him and his wife Wendy all the best as they are about to embark on their next exciting chapter. 


Pentecost is the celebration of God sending his Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit helps us to live God’s way. In the Christian calendar the period from Easter to Pentecost covers 50 days. Students in Year 2 have been learning about Pentecost. They made prayer doves that look like flames. They offered them as prayers to God by writing their names or a prayer on the front. On the day we know as Pentecost God sent the Holy Spirit. God still sends the Holy Spirit to those who have faith in Jesus and choose to live God’s way. The Holy Spirit helps us to do the good things that God wants us to do. This is our purpose and what God has called us to.


Kyabram Fauna Park Excursion

On Wednesday 14 June Kindergarten and Year 1 students set off for their excursion to the Kyabram Fauna Park. Despite a chilly start to the day the students had a fantastic time exploring the park and learning in the Education Centre. In year levels, they saw many exciting animals including; koalas, dingoes and kangaroos. They even explored the new reptile house full of snakes and lizards. The students loved seeing the animals in their habitats and learning about them. In the Education Centre, students learnt about the needs of living animals, classifying them into groups and understanding the conservation efforts of the park. They stopped for some lunch and games before heading back to school. Students and teachers had a great day, well done Kindergarten and Year 1.


Fundraiser Cancer Council 

Today, Moama Anglican Grammar held its Term 2 fundraiser. Students were invited to attend school out of uniform and to wear a pop of yellow to support the great work the Cancer Council are doing in the fight against Cancer. Cancer Council is the only charity that works across every area of cancer, from research to prevention and support. Every day, the Cancer Council supports people affected by cancer when they need it most, speaking out on behalf of the community on cancer issues, empowering people to reduce their cancer risk, and finding new ways to better detect and treat cancer. We would like to thank all our students and families for their support for this great cause. In total, we raised $718.90, something we are very proud of.


Moama Lights

With the annual Moama Lights just around the corner, students in local school were invited to participate in a colouring competition. The winners were then asked to colour in one of the displays which will be on show at the upcoming event. Congratulations to all students for putting in their best effort and to those students who were selected, we look forward to viewing your art works at the show.



Audiology Screenings

We welcome back Audiologist Johanna Nesbitt on Thursday 22 June to complete the final hearing screens for selected Kindergarten students. Parents will receive a detailed report on the day which shows the results of the assessment. We thank Johanna for her continued support and this great opportunity.


Year 3 Deep Learning Safari



Year 4 Deep Learning Showcase



Year 5 Camp 

In the first week next term, the Year 5 students will attend their Year Level camp at Sovereign Hill in Ballarat. Parents have been provided with the necessary information and we ask that parents return the required eForms promptly to assist staff with the final preparations. We wish everyone a wonderful time and we look forward to hearing all about the special experiences and some great photos.


Upcoming Events

19/06/23              University of Melbourne Educational Assessments (selected students)

19/06/23              Family Life - Parent Info Session (Years 4-6) 7pm Resource Centre

20/06/23              University of Melbourne Educational Assessments (selected students)

20/06/23              Family Life - Mother and Daughter Info Session (Years 4-6) 7pm                   

                                 Resource Centre

20/06/23              Primary AFL Boys Competition (selected students)

22/06/23              Year 3 Deep Learning Safari 

22/06/23              Kindergarten Audiology Screenings (selected students only)

23/06/23              Year 4 Deep Learning Showcase

23/06/23              Peer Support program. Last day of term 2:05pm dismissal



Kind Regards,


Nici Deller                                                      Mel Scott

Head of Primary                                          Head of Teaching and Learning Primary