Learning to Play Hockey

We are proud to be an Accredited Move Well Eat Well School

In PE the students have been learning about the game of hockey. Tasmania has a rich history of successful hockey players who have represented Tasmania and Australia. 


We were lucky enough to have Taylor Brooks from Hockey Tasmania attend the school to teach our students the basics of hockey. Taylor has represented Tasmania many times and is currently in training with the Tasmanian Institute of Sport team. Taylor commenced the first hockey lesson by teaching the students the basics of how to hold the hockey stick, which side to hit the hockey ball with plus dribbling and tackling a ball from another opponent. This was a new sport for many of our students and it was rewarding to see everyone having a go and transferring some of their skills from other sports. We will be continuing with hockey for the next few weeks and transferring our new skills into game situations.




Our cross country team competes Friday 9  June in the STCPSSA inter school competition at the Rokeby Police Academy. Our team has been training hard in the mornings and we wish them all the best for their races.


Ms Andrews 

P.E. Teacher