Student Leaders Report

Hello everyone,


We are now back to school and into term 3, the captains sat together and did a reflection on our successes, challenges and things that we are looking forward to.

SuccessesChallengesThings we are looking forward to

We have had many successes in various different sports and look forward to getting to the next level.


We have a successful first semester of leading the school and running assemblies.


Our  school  had a successful semester exploring the Resilience Project in wellbeing and look forward to another whole school project.

We  have persisted to clean our school and make it more  environmentally friendly. 


Our preps have gone through their first semester of school and continued to persist in doing their work.


The grade threes and fives successfully completed NAPLAN and overcame the challenge of it.

The  grade 6’s have been looking forward to graduating and their last camp of primary school. 


The school has been looking  forward to the Kismet in Storyland production and are just starting to prepare for the big performance.


The school is looking forward to the second semester of the year! 


Thank you,


From the School Captains of Kismet Park