Student Awards

Each fortnight, certificates are handed out to two students in each class. The awards are:
Certificate of Academic Excellence Award - This award is in recognition of student’s academic capabilities and achievements in English, Mathematics or Inquiry.
Citizen Award – This is in recognition of students demonstrating our school values of Respect,Responsibility, Being Safe and Being a learner.
PA | Holden Booth | Persisting at his writing and recording both initial and ending sounds | Sophie Donker |
PB | Patrick Grimley | For consistently displaying enthusiasm to complete all learning tasks | Billy Ross |
PC | Leni Grant | For consistently taking on challenges in class | Ryan Beard |
1A | Anna Smith | For being a role model in class and always displaying our school values | Tom Steinberger |
1B | Caitlin Patterson | For improvements in her writing | Paeton Smith |
1C | Eleanor Scott | For making responsible choices and showing kindness to her peers | Max Newton |
2A | Astrid Katsonis | for always displaying the school values | Logan Pitts |
2B | Nate Lambert | For consistently displaying a hard working attitude towards all learning tasks | Evie Sproal |
2C | Maddison Potter | For consistently showing persistence in her writing | Imogen Whitson |
3/4A | Nevee Woods | For her determination and fantastic attitude she shows towards all her learning tasks | Max Ladher |
3B | Milla Bennett | For her persistence in all learning tasks and her ability to assist students in their learning as well | Anna Wood |
3C | Dion Blanc | For constantly displaying the school values and being a role model to his peers | Sonny Valentini |
4B | Zion Loffley | For participating in and completing all learning tasks in the classroom | Scarlett Humphries |
4C | Amara Truscott | For being a role model in class and always displaying our school values | Zoie Warren |
5A | Aidan Millar | For outstanding effort and progress made during our unit on multiplication | Caiden Woller |
5B | Lena Katsonis | For always taking pride in her work and completing learning tasks to a high standard | Scarlett Whitson |
5C | Noah Coleman | For producing an excellent adventure narrative | Georgia Miskelly |
5/6D | Amelia Gazzard | For ensuring she is up-to-date with all learning tasks and completing them to meet the success criteria | Evan Rapetti |
6B | Macy Harvie | For working hard to complete all of her portfolio pieces to a high standard | Archie Lane |
6C | Tyson Boffey | For outstanding effort in completing his folio tasks in Term 2 | Mitchell Mcready |