Sporting Achievements 

Soccer Day

On the 21st of July the year 6 soccer team from Woodlands Primary School took a trip down to the Mornington Soccer Club. They went on a bus with Mr Dowling driving and Mr Crew as he likes to call himself, the super coach. 


They played 2 games against Frankston Heights and St. Judes. In the first game against Frankston Heights we won by a whopping 8-1 and sadly conceded our first goal. But added 8 more into the goal sheet. Some amazing team goals were scored and Mr Crew was really pleased with our attitude and team work.


Our second game was played against St. Judes and we had a slow start but picked it up and scored 6 goals and Harrison kept a clean sheet with 0 goals in the back of the net against him. 


The Woodlands boys. won both games which will be progressing to regionals finals day on the 23rd of August!!


Well done boys



Girls Footy Day 

On Tuesday the 1st of August it was a very special day for our footy girls, as they competed for The Regional Title. There were 8 teams in the competition split into 2 pools. The winner of each pool would go to the Grand Final. 


Our first game was a bye, and after that we were straight up against Hillsmeade, and won pretty convincingly. Then we versed Lauriston girls school. We also won that. Then after a lunch break we played against Beaumaris North, we also won that game so that meant we were in the grand final against Mount Martha. We were off to a great start and after 2 half of great work we had a big win being 47-7 . 


Now we are off to the state final. A special mention to our head coach Mr Hicks and his 2 assistant coaches Mr Dowling and Mr Birnie. Also we would like to thank our Captain Indi L for leading us to victory.


Written by Keara B and Paisley R