Principal's Report

Dear Parents, Families and Community members,
Principal Update
Good afternoon everyone! A quick one tonight after yet again another busy week. We have had excursions, camps, onsite guests, schools visiting to see our great teaching and learning - the list goes on!
See a snapshot below of some of these events. Next week I will send out communication including staffing updates and news for Semester 2.
For now, have a great weekend and enjoy the time together with your family and friends.
Last week we hosted Ceres Primary School to debate "the voting age should be dropped to 16 years of age". Led by Michelle Thomas, our Year 6 team entered the debate confidently and with a high degree of finesse. The audience, including myself, were certainly left convinced with their arguments and many considered rebuttals. After a closely contested debate, Ceres PS came out just on top, pipping us by a minor 3 points. Well done to debaters Khushi, Prapti and Georgia and chairperson Evie and timekeeper Leyla.
Year 5-6 Camp
Welcome back to our Year 5 and 6 campers who have stepped straight off the bus tonight after a wonderful three days down at Anglesea. Campers participated in a range of outdoor experiences including canoeing, mountain bike riding and the always favourite giant swing. Highlights included seeing our children working together to problem solve and support one another throughout the various activities. It was great to also see them pulling up their sleeves to complete 'chores' such as vacuuming, kitchen duty and general cleaning!
A huge thank you to our wonderful staff who made this event a reality for our kids - see photo below of camp co-ordinator and leading teacher Luke Ryan after a busy few days and nights!
Parents and carers, make sure you check out seesaw for more photos.
Dental Van Onsite
The Smile Squad Dental Vans have arrived again for 2023! We are very excited to once again be part of this program for dental services in schools. From Thursday 15/6/2023 and continuing for Term 3, the team of Dental Technicians will be providing examinations for students whose families have completed the online consent forms. The team will start with Prep students and work their way through all year levels in order.
Families will be contacted directly by Smile Squad if students require further follow up treatment after their initial examination.
Year 2 Excursion to the Marine & Freshwater Discovery Centre
On Wednesday 14/6/2023, the Year 2 students visited the Marine & Freshwater Discovery Centre. We explored the natural habitats of many amazing creatures and students showcased their outstanding knowledge. Our students show exemplary behaviour whilst on the excursion by upholding our school values of care, collaboration and commitment.
An amazing day was had by all.
Pyjama Day Fundraiser Last Day of Term
Have a great weekend everyone!
Kathryn Sier
Acting Principal