Student and Community Learning and Wellbeing

Math Olympiad 

Our Math Olympiad team of 31students came together recently to work together on problem solving. Students are encouraged to share their thinking, work collaboratively, reason and discuss solutions using a variety of strategies. This team will soon complete their second assessment and will compete against schools from all over Australia, New Zealand and Singapore. We look forward in Term 3 with more sessions together including further connections with Heathmont College and their Maths teachers. Maths Explorer students in Level 3 and 4 will also participate in their assessment very soon. 



Can you think like an Olympiad?  What problem solving strategies you will use to solve these real Maths Olympiad problems. Perhaps you can use guess and check? What about making a table or acting it out? Perhaps you could find a pattern, work backwards, draw a diagram or make a list. Can your family solve these together? Have a go! 


Olympiad question 1 

Sam has a number that is a secret code. Jan asks Sam what the code is. Sam gives Jan the following clue: “If you add 39 to my secret code, and then divide the result by 20, the answer is 103.” What is Sam’s secret code?


Olympiad question 2

Theodore is thinking of a 2-digit number. Alvin is thinking of a square number. Simon is thinking of a number with 9 diferent factors. In talking about their numbers, they realised they were all thinking of the same number. What number were they thinking of?


This Term we have been working as a focus with Level 1 and 2 students in the area of Literacy. We always celebrate student growth at HEPS in both learning and wellbeing and we are very proud of our students participating in the tutoring program. These students are continuing to Aim High and have a growth mindset with their learning. Next term our focus in the TIL (Tutor Learning Initiative) will be with Level 3 and 4. Teachers work collaboratively with our TIL coordinator Mrs. Holmes to determine individual student needs and select students to participate in this program. 

Kinder connections 

On Tuesday this week 5AP visited the kinder located just up the road from our school. Students read a picture story book carefully teaching students the difference between letters, words and pictures and spent time talking about kinder students favourite books. This was an excellent opportunity for our level 5 students to show their leadership skills by mentoring a younger student in our community. Some students played shops in the cubby, had a kick to kick of the footy, dug for treasure, made volcanoes in the sand pit and played in the mud kitchen. We look forward to our strong partnership with our local kinders continuing in Term 3 where their students will visit us at HEPS throughout the term and our students continue with their mentoring of a younger student. 





ICAS Parents information and payment system

The final date for registration and payment is Friday the 28th of July. No late payments will be accepted. 


ICAS assessment dates at HEPS for 2023 are - 

Thursday the 10th of August - Digital Technologies 

Monday the 14th of August - English 

Monday the 28th of August - Numeracy 


We are delighted to inform you that  Heathmont East will be participating again in the world-renowned ICAS competition in 2023. ICAS stands for International Competition and Assessment for Schools. This year, Mathematics, English and Digital Technology assessments are available at a cost of $19.25 each. This is directly payable to ICAS. All students in level 3,4,5 and 6 at HEPS are welcome to participate. ICAS is not compulsory and is offered as an additional form of assessment that you as parents can view online. It is completely your choice as a parent if you would like your child to participate in the ICAS assessments. They are not compulsory and are not used as a teacher assessment tool at HEPS. Some students require them for select entry secondary schools or scholarship applications.     


If you do not wish for your child to participate they will continue to learn in the classroom while ICAS assessments are administered for participating students under test conditions in a separate classroom. The Parent payment system has been set up and instructions on how to register and pay are included below. If you have any questions about whether you would like your child to sit for the ICAS test please speak with your child’s classroom teacher or our High Ability Practice Leader Kim Holmes on


What is ICAS?  

ICAS is an online academic competition that is designed to assess students’ higher order thinking and problem-solving skills in a variety of subject areas.   

Each assessment celebrates students’ accomplishments by providing opportunities for recognition and development. Every student who participates will receive a printed certificate and an online results report. Top performers will be eligible for medals.  If you would like to enter your child into ICAS this year you can copy these links into your browser to access. 


Learn more about ICAS here. (  


How to participate in ICAS  

If you wish for your child to participate in ICAS this year, please:  

  1. Read about ICAS subjects and prices here: (  
  2. Read the terms and conditions here: ( 
  3. Go to Parent Portal to purchase tests here:  enter our school’s access code – VSN735
  4. Enter your child’s details, select the tests you would like to purchase, then proceed to payment.  

After payment is made via the Parent Payment System, you will receive an order confirmation email, please keep this for your records.  

If you would like to purchase past papers to revise at home please visit this site