Wellbeing - Assistant Principal 

Marcus Leonard

Cyber Safety

At HEPS we put the safety of our students above anything else.  We are also well aware that we are living in an ever more connected world where Information Technology is integral.  The associated risks are real and its the whole school community's responsibility to ensure we remain safe and respectful.  Many of our senior students engage in messaging on devices while out of school hours.  We would strongly encourage all parents and guardians to be aware of what their children are writing, especially on the internet.  We have all heard of the permanence that is associated with writing on group chats.  We continue to educate our students around this fact and urge all parents to reiterate this message at home.  Thank you to all the teachers, students and parents who work so collaboratively to keep students safe.    



Attendance Thank You

Its really important that we celebrate the wins we have as a community.  At the start of the year we communicated that our attendance data wasn't where we would like.  I'm happy to report that our numbers have improved dramatically.  That means what we are doing is working and that we will continue to focus on engaging our students.  We will continue   reiterating to families, where possible,  how vital students being at school is for their growth and wellbeing.