Principal's Page

Lou Corso

Working Bee this Sunday

Our second Working Bee will take place this Sunday from 9.00 AM- 12.00 PM. A BBQ will be provided to all volunteers at the end of the working bee. Our main task will be clearing the garden area around Louis Street to install new garden beds. If possible, please bring any gloves, garden tools, pruning shears, buckets, wheelbarrows and lots of good humour and energy. 

See you all Sunday.


Semester 1 Reports

The staff at HEPS are currently busy writing Semester 1 reports. These reports provide a great overview of students’ progress based on several assessments and classroom observations over the course of Semester 1.

Parents can access the reports via Compass on Thursday 22 June. We encourage you to save a digital version of your child's report to access at a later date; this is especially important for our Level 6 students as they transition to high school.

Sibling Enrolments 

As mentioned in previous newsletters, we are very keen to know what our sibling enrolments are likely to be for 2024 so we encourage you to enrol your child as soon as possible. This will assist greatly with our forward planning, and help us understand how many out of zone enrolments we may be able to cater for.

Student Illness

 As Term 2 has progressed, we have been required to send a number of students home during the day due to illness. Viral infections, flu and Covid are slowly, but surely, working their way through our school community. The staff have been asked to be hyper-vigilant around hand washing and cleaning high-contact surfaces (as much as is reasonably possible). We also have plenty of face masks available for those that wish to use them – staff and students. We understand that it can be difficult juggling unwell children and work commitments. However, students who are unwell before school rarely get better during the day at school. Please keep your children at home if they are unwell.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to find replacement teachers for staff who are unwell (or may have sick family members). Every effort will be made to source a Casual Relief Teacher (CRT) but we may need to ‘split’ a class across a grade level or two. As an example, a class of 24 students may be split up so that an equal number of students go into the 4 other classes for the day or part of a day.


Save the Date: Grandparents/Special Friends Day- Friday 18th August

This year, as part of National Science Week, we will be inviting Grandparents and special friends to join us in celebrating and exploring Science and Technology on Friday 18th August. More information to come.  





Smile Squad

Smile Squad will be arriving in late Term 3 or early Term 4.


Smile Squad is a Victorian Government funded program which will provide all Victorian public primary and secondary school students with free dental care.

More information will be shared in Term 3.