
Monday 9am 

Friday 2.45pm 


Term 2 Assembly Calender

HEPS Friday assemblies 2.45 – 3.30pm (gym)

Group 16JM, 6JL, 6RH, FKB, FSB, 1RK, 1KR 2DW, 2MY, 3MW, 3GE, 4BA, 4TO, 5YS, 5KV 
Group 26JM, 6JL, 6RH, FTD, FBB, 1EJ, 1CR, 2LL, 2AS, 3TM, 4LS, 4JE, 5KL, 5AP 
Date Classes attending and house captains Class running assembly

Student led assembly   

Group 2 Green House  captains

2LL and 2AS 
19/6Aim High Assembly (whole school)  
23/62.15-2.30 whole school assembly (front of school)End of Term early dismissal 2.30pm

Term 3 Assembly 

Monday the 10th of July 

We will begin Term 3 with a whole school assembly at 9am at the front of the school and would love to see you there.