
Primary Assembly
At the Primary Assembly held at the end of term two, the following awards were presented:
Years F-1:
Hadley - For listening to the teacher’s instructions and using her manners in Performing Arts
Willing to Learn
Paulo - For giving each activity a go in Performing Arts
Dusty - For always giving your best effort and being keen to learn in STEM
Being Safe
Olivia - For moving around the classroom safely in Performing Arts
Marley - For listening and following instructions to be safe at all times in Food Technology
Harry K - For trying to assist others to follow instructions in P.E.
Years 2/3/4:
Ella I - For always following instructions in STEM
Tayler - For always being kind and thoughtful to others in Food Technology
Harry D - For always looking out for classmates and following instructions in P.E.
Willing to Learn
Zoe - For approaching each activity with enthusiasm
Jackson - For your work on the South American activities in Humanities
Being Safe
Kya - For always being willing to learn in STEM
Chloe - For making great choices in the classroom in Humanities
Therese - For always being mindful of other students’ feelings in P.E.
Years 5/6:
Ayla - For always demonstrating kind manners towards her teacher in Humanities
Anakie - For always demonstrating kind manners towards her teacher in Art
Willing to Learn
Bailey O - For always enthusiastically trying your best in Art
Being Safe
Bailey M - For always being willing to try the task in Art
Caught on Camera
Last Friday at lunchtime the camera caught students working on their photo frames at the weekly lunchtime craft session.
Mad About Science
Students from Year F-6 recently took part in a “Mad About Science” incursion. All agreed that it was a lot of fun and a great way to learn about Science. Some of the action can be viewed here:
“It was Tuesday the 11th of July and Ken from Melbourne came to teach us all about Science. We all sat down on the rug and Ken taught us all about Chemistry. After that we split into six different groups to do some experiments. The first experiment we did was a bottle cap experiment where we poured vinegar into a small bottle. Then we put a small tablet into the bottle and shook it, until the bottle cap would explode off.
The second experiment we did was with a nappy, we put it in a tub of water and it kind of turned icy. Someone also got to stick their hand in a tub of Orbeez and we were allowed to take some home.
Then we did some experiments with different types of liquids. After that we went outside and we used a plastic bag, Bicarb Soda and vinegar. First we put the vinegar into the plastic bag then we put the Bicarb Soda into the plastic bag and the we shut the bag quickly. After a few seconds it went BANG!!! And it exploded.
Finally, we went back into the classroom to say thanks to Ken.”
“My favourite part of the incursion was placing the Alka-Seltzer tablet in a tube with some water and then putting the lid on it and then shaking it until it all goes BOOM!!”
“Yesterday a man named Ken came to school to teach us about Science. My favourite part was putting an Alka-Seltzer tablet in some water in a container, putting the lid on and then shaking it all until it exploded.”
Bailey M
Ballarat 5/6 Combined Camp with Goroke P-12 College
“So we went to camp and stuff…
We went to Kryal Castle and Sovereign Hill. At Kryal Castle we learned things like sword fighting and I chopped someones arm off 😊 We then played some board games called “Nine Men’s Morris” and “Fox and Geese.” At lunch we went to the maze and played “Hide and Seek.” After that we made potions with herbs.
Before we went home to our base camp we went into a mirror maze with dragons and then it was onto the bus. After we arrived at camp we had free time so I went to the games room and played “Foosball” (mini soccer).
We had dinner which was chicken schnitzel with broccoli, potatoes and carrots. For dessert we had sticky date pudding with caramel sauce and ice-cream. I then got ready for bed.
Day 2
I woke up and read for a bit and then had breakfast which was toast with butter and jam then cereal. Then we went onto the bus and went to Sovereign Hill. When we arrived we had a look around and then went to play “Skittles” (old fashioned ten pin bowling) and we then went to the gold pour to watch how a gold bar is made.
We then had lunch which was sausage rolls and pies with a fruit box, then we played on the playground.
After that we went to the Candle Shop and they showed us how to make candles with wax. This was followed by some shopping where we bought lollies from the Confectionery shop. We then panned for gold and went to the mines where we saw a recreation of the “Welcome Nugget” (one of the biggest nuggets ever).
We then went back to camp and had dinner which was roast pork and vegetables and for dessert we had chocolate mud cake. We then went to bed.
Day 3
We woke up and had toast and cereal. We then went on the Flying Fox which was fun and then went on the “Clip and Climb” which was also fun. After that we were given a camp beanie each and got on the bus to go home.
When we got to Horsham we had lunch, either a chicken or a ham roll which were scrumptious. We also played on the playground. We then got back on the bus and headed home to Edenhope.
I would like to thank Mrs Hausler, Mr Kilby and all the Goroke P-12 teachers along with the parents that came with us to provide extra assistance."
Sounds Write
The Year 1 students are enjoying learning about spelling words in the Sounds Write program.