
Meet the numeracy tutor: Sandrup!
At Lyndale, our Year 7 - 10 students are able to benefit from additional numeracy support based on previous achievement data and other measures of numeracy progress. We have numeracy tutors who support our students by strengthening their numeracy skills, monitoring their progress, and setting goals for future learning.
We are also pleased to have many of our past high-achieving students join our numeracy team, including Sandrup Sasikumar who has been working with our students for the past few years. Learn more about Sandrup in the Q+A below.
- What year did you graduate from Lyndale SC? I graduated from LSC in 2021.
- What is your favourite memory as a student from Lyndale SC? My favourite memory from LSC was buying Mr.Born during the teacher aution. We had him dress up as a fairy, got him to make ice cream from liquid nitrogen, do maccas runs. He was a little expensive though.
- What subjects did you study in Year 12? I studied English, Further Maths, Methods, Specialist Maths and Physics in year 12.
- Do you still keep in touch with your friends from Lyndale? I still keep in touch with my friends from LSC. Some of my closest friends are the ones I met in year 7 and we continued our friendship even after LSC.
- What course are you studying now? I'm studying Bachelor's in Computer Science at RMIT.
- What made you choose the course? I saw this comedy show called "Silicon Valley" and the main characters were software engineers. So I thought I might as well try out that field.
- What do you hope to do in the future? I hope to work as a software engineer in the future.
- What do you enjoy doing as a numeracy tutor at Lyndale? I enjoy helping the students understand the topics they don't know in a more easier way. The reactions they have when they understand it is also pretty funny.
- What advice can you share with the students now at Lyndale? I guess the advice I would give is to step out of your comfort zone to be present and live in the moment. Before you know it, high school's over, and you can't go back. It's best to not have any regrets when you graduate.
Karen Huynh
Maths Teacher