Junior Years News

From the Mambourin and Tarneit Campus 

Buddy Programme at Mambourin 

Building relationships across age groups is an important aspect of skill development and an opportunity for all students to develop social skills and be active members of a community. The Buddy Programme occurs every second week and the Year 5 classes come and work with their younger buddies in Prep E and F, and Year 1E. The younger children are seeing their buddies' model key skills, and experience guidance and support. 

These relationships build positive connections for our younger children to aspire to, whilst also giving them the opportunity to learn new skills. Our first week the Year 5 buddies taught their younger friends new ball games in the schoolyard, the second week the older children read big books, picture story books, and e-books to their young friends. Some of the younger children read their own stories back to their older friends, whilst other children made bookmarks for their buddies. These are rich opportunities for learning and connection to occur for all involved in building our community and learning environment.

Swimmers Make a Splash - Year 1 

To do freestyle, arms your need to make a circle with one arm, and you have to breathe until you finish the circle.  When you’re done then you do some bubbles until you finish - Ayaan


I was in red group. Swimming was so cool.  On the bus I saw KFC. I wish I could go to the water park - Finley


At swimming I learnt how to save someone.  My favourite part was when I touched the floor in the pool. On the bus I saw Coles. I love swimming.  - Olivia


At swimming I learnt how to swim like a fish.  My favourite part was doing the monkey game. On the bus I saw a house decorated with Christmas decorations.  - Germaine

Organising Ourselves - Helping Others!

Year 5 students have been working on 'How we organise ourselves' as a Unit of Inquiry. The students inquired into the needs of communities and the roles and responsibilities within an organisation that leads to the success of a business. 


To conclude the Unit, the students have been selling their products. Based on the survey results, they evaluated their business ideas, advertised their products for the Sale Week, and maintained an Income and Expense Statement. 


The profit generated from the Sale Week will be donated to Australian Lutheran World Service (ALWS).



Assembly Presentations

This week the Year 1 classes shared prayers, some reflections on their recent swimming lessons and a performance of ‘One Way Jesus’ with the Prep – Year 2 students and their parents.

Tasting Some Books - Year 4 

As part of their learning, the Year 4 students were invited to a Book Tasting. While they had an opportunity to ‘taste’ some new titles and genres, they enjoyed some snacks and conversations with their classmates.

Harmony Day - Poster & Songwriting Competition

Many students, across the College, entered pieces into the Harmony Day Art Competition by Moving Forward Together. We were recently advised that Ariya V from 3SK was the Primary Schools Regional Runner-up. Congratulations Ariya, we are looking forward to proudly displaying your artwork in the College.


As a result of the additional in-school competition, Ariya, along with the following students, have earnt themselves a Canteen voucher:

  • Samiksha A – 2AW
  • Shanaya J – 2MB
  • Naysa A – 6B
  • Sanjana – 12C

Well done to everyone involved! 


With thanks 

Lara Ronalds & Maria Denholm