Catholic Identity

Our school Mass on Wednesday 21st June, is dedicated to the Feast of the Sacred Heart. At this Mass we offer assistance to the poor by donating non perishable grocery items. These will be brought forward with the offertory procession and will then be handed on to the St Vincent De Paul Society who will distribute the goods to needy local families.
Below is a special message from our Year 6 Social Justice Group about some upcoming fundraising events:
Dear Families,
We are holding a St Vinnies Winter Appeal for 2023. We ask each student to bring in a donation. Donations will be accepted between Monday and Thursday of the last week of the term. The requirements for items being donated are that they are non-perishable and long lasting such as canned foods, dried fruits and milk powder.
Other donation options include and toiletries, such as hand cream, sanitiser, toilet paper, shampoos, conditioner.
We will also be holding a casual clothes day on Thursday 22nd of June 2023 to raise more money for St Vincent de Paul. We ask all students wearing casual clothes to make a gold coin donation on the day.
Bringing in these items will help many families to be warm and to have food during this hard, cold winter time. We can’t wait to see what our amazing students will be bringing in for this Winter appeal.
We can't thank you enough.
Year 6 Social Justice Team
The feast dates back to 1673, when a French nun began to receive visions about the Sacred Heart. Jesus appeared to Sister Margaret Mary Alacoque and revealed ways to venerate his Sacred Heart and explained the immense love he has for humanity. In these apparitions Jesus’ heart was visible outside his chest and was on fire, surrounded by a crown of thorns. During June Catholics try to emulate this love Jesus has for us by loving those in our community who are in need of some assistance, hence why we hold the Vinnies Winter Appeal at the same time each year. Below is a prayer that children can prayer during June:
Dear Sacred Heart of Jesus,
I love You so much
and I give You my heart.
Help me to love God.
Help me to love my neighbour
as a child of God.
Help me to love myself
as a child of God.
Congratulations to all the students who made their First Holy Communion last Thursday. Thank you to the families for the time and effort you have put into preparing to receive this most important of Sacraments. Thanks also to the Year 4 teachers for the outstanding way they prepared the students for the Mass. I would also like to thank all the staff who attended the evening, which is a testament to the high importance St John’s school Community places on the Sacrament of the Eucharist.
To view the latest parish newsletter which includes details of mass times, please select the link below.
Let us support our Youth Fundraising for the World Youth Day 2023 Lisbon, Portugal.
Twelve representatives from the St. Andrew's Parish Youth Group are attending this life-changing event, to enrich their faith and participate in the Universality of the Catholic Church. The young people from our parish attending are aged 16-18 accompanied by two senior youth leaders and Fr. Huy. They will travel with close to 600 people from the Archdiocese of Melbourne, over 3000 young people from Australia.