noun: the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy

Hello families, 


Welcome back to Term 3. I am delighted to be returning to St Joey's this term and working with our wonderful community in my role as Student Wellbeing and Learning Diversity Leader. 


Via the newsletter I hope to share useful information and articles with you regarding student wellbeing, parenting and supporting the individual needs of all our learners. I'll also keep you up to date with all things "wellbeing" at St Joseph's.


Some events coming up in the next few months include:

🙂The National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence

🙂Body Image workshops for our Middle and Senior students

🙂Body Image parent information evening (Thursday 12th October - save the date!)

🙂Our Preps will celebrating their first 100 days of school (3rd August)


Keep checking back each fortnight for more information about all of the above, and lots more.


Please feel free to get in touch with me any time at akeane@sjnorthcote.catholic.edu.au


Ashyn Keane


Parenting and ADHD

This online course by Dr. Justin Coulson may be of interest to some families. Please click on the banner to find out more.




Have you download Beacon to your smart device yet? 


Junior's Police Visit 


So today the police visited St Joseph's Primary School. We learnt about how to stay safe on the internet. And we also learn’t about www (world wide web). And how we have to ask an adult before we use devices and how there are people out there on the internet who are dangerous. And we also learnt about how police catch criminals. We also learnt about how there are tiny computer chips in the clouds to connect to devices all over the world. We also learnt not to give people your password or they can leak your address, bank pin, phone number and hack and steal your money.


By Luca