Student Welfare and Wellbeing News

School Wide Positive Behaviour Support and Respective Relationships News

At CSPS we take the Welfare and Wellbeing of our school community seriously.  Our embrace 4 rules include the expectation - 


  • I can speak kindly to others and myself
  • I can treat others with kindness
  • I can respect the choices of others

Over the next three weeks, CSPS will be focusing on a Kindness Bltiz where students will be identified and rewarded for being kind. Student leaders will focus on students being kind in the yard and all staff will be on the lookout for members of the school community who show kindness.


The Behaviour Matrix outlines a variety of ways in which we can be kind.  These include:

  • We include others
  • We play games in a fair manner
  • We use kind words

Staff will be talking about Kindness in class and we would appreciate discussions at home about what it means to be kind.

Parent Seminars Available 

You are invited to attend three FREE interconnected online seminars to provide you with a toolkit of practical strategies that will help you guide your child’s behaviour,manage everyday worries, and build healthy peer relationships. 

Attending all three seminars will provide you with the strategies you need to best support your child’s development andhelp them thrive now and into adolescence.


Seminar topics:

  • Power of Positive Parenting (Triple P Seminar)
  • Helping Your Child to Manage Anxiety (Fear-Less Triple P Seminar)
  • Keeping your Child Safe from Bullying (Resilience Triple P Seminar)

These seminars form part of the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program.

For more information, visit the project 


How can I get involved?    

  1. Register for the seminar series and complete a short (approximately 15 – 20 minutes)online questionnaire.
  2. Attend the three online seminars in the TKPSP series (90 – 120 minutes eachseminar).
  3. Complete post-seminar series questionnaires 6 weeks and 12 weeks following theregistration. Each questionnaire will take around 15 minutes to complete and will helpus understand how helpful the strategies have been.  ​

Yes, I want to be involved. What’s next?

Register through this link: 

If you have any questions, you can contact the project team