Student Leadership News

Fostering student leadership

On Wednesday 10th May, CSPS Year 6 House and Specialist leaders joined Network Casey Soutn Primary Schoolaat a Stdent Leadership Workshop hosted by Cranbourne Secondary College.

The aim of the Student Leadership Workshop was to discuss and strengthen student leadership capabilities, as well as strengthen school and community pride.

The leaders actively participated in a variety of workshops and activities to explore leadership strengths and discussing aspirations of developing leadership further as you transition into secondary school.

Friday 2nd June, David Caughey Principal and Michelle Lynch Assistant Principal of Cranbourne Secondary College presented the selected leaders with certificates of appreciation at the CSPS assembly.

Crazy Hair Day- Last day of term 2

On Friday the 23rd of June, Cranbourne South Primary School is holding a Crazy Hair Day to support Cystic Fibrosis. Please make your donation via QKR

Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is the most common inherited, life threatening condition affecting young Australians. For a child to be born with CF both parents must be genetic carriers for CF. Cystic Fibrosis is life shortening and there is no cure.

All money raised during Crazy Hair Day goes towards helping the Cystic Fibrosis Federation in Australia provide vital support to those suffering from cystic fibrosis.

We cannot wait to see your creative designs!