Principal Class News

Compass Calendar of Events

I recently took an informal poll asking staff, parents and student what their favourite season is.  There was a mixed reaction.  

  • Some overwhelmingly voted Summer with the feelings of warmth, sunshine, beach days and eating ice cream.  
  • Then the 'cold bunnies' were calling out for Winter to be voted Number 1. The cosiness of a fireplace, hot drinks and the infamous onesies.  
  • Now don't forget about the delightfulness of Autumn and Spring.  These seasons are often the unsung heroes.  Seasons of crisp mornings and warm afternoons, new growth, and an array of colours everywhere.

There is no denying that I'm a sun bunny. Always have been.  I love long summer days, laziness beside a pool and of course the December -January break that comes along with it.  So how do I beat the Winter blues?

  • I definitely stay active.  I love to run, early in the morning before the birds are up.  I look forward to the hot shower afterwards and watch the steam fog up and then demist the bathroom mirror.  
  • I spend time surrounded by joy in different forms of sunshine.  I particularly like to have lengthy conversations just listening and absorbing the stories and thoughts of others.  This warms my soul.
  • I like to indulge in warm, soulful foods. Rich casseroles with crispy bread, thick, creamy pasta and Mexican dishes with a little bit of spice.

So if you are feeling the Winter Blues, please:

  • stay connected
  • keep moving and eat well
  • do something you enjoy every day (even if just for a moment)
  • reach out when things are tough
  • and remember... Spring is only around the corner.

Monique Corcoran

The School Review (held every four years) has officially finished after three weeks of celebrating successes, exploring areas of further growth and developing succinct and achievable goals in the next School Strategic Plan (SSP).  Some notable highlights from the student, parent, staff and community focus groups include:

  • calm orderly classrooms with the use of cooperative learning
  • students on task, strong levels of engagement and warm positive environments
  • well planned curriculum and consistency of teaching practice
  • whole school approaches strongly observed relative to SWPBS (School Wide Positive Behaviour Support)

School Council and School Leadership look forward to publishing the new SSP and unpacking each component, establishing achievable annual goals and ensuring all stakeholders have a voice in the process.

The theme for National Reconciliation Week 2023 is ‘Be a voice for generations’.  It encourages all Australians to be a voice for reconciliation in tangible ways in our everyday lives – where we live, work and socialise.

National Reconciliation Week is a chance for all schools to reflect and learn more about our shared histories, cultures and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.


Child Safe Standard #1 ensures organisations establish a culturally safe environment in which the diverse and unique identities and experiences of Aboriginal children and young people are respected and valued.


At CSPS we:

  • encourage students to express their culture and enjoy their cultural rights
  • embed strategies which equip all members to acknowledge and appreciate the strengths of Aboriginal culture and understand its importance to the wellbeing and safety of Aboriginal children and young people
  • identify, confront and not tolerated any racism at school
  • activity support and facilitate participation and inclusion by Aboriginal children, young people and their families
  • ensure all policies, procedures, systems and processes create a culturally safe and inclusive environment and meet the needs of Aboriginal children, young people and their families

Community Celebration 

On Wednesday, June 21st CSPS will be holding a Community celebration from 2.30 pm.  This celebration is part of Education Week celebrations. The theme of Education Week is ‘Active Learners: Move, Make, Motivate.'  

Students are to come dressed in purple to celebrate Murrup and the spirit of CSPS throughout the day.  There will be:

  • buddy activities 
  • special lunch 
  • extra special assembly on the basketball court from 2.30 pm with a Smoking cermony, guest speakers
  • school tours available after school

CSPS will be holding a Kindness Blitz in the last three weeks of Term 3 across the school. Please see the Student Welfare and Wellbeing news page for further details.