Chaplain’s Corner

One of the many wonderful traditions here at Oxley, includes our Year 12 students hosting the final chapel of Term 1, with an Easter focus. On Tuesday, we saw a beautiful depiction of the moments leading up to the crucifixion and resurrection, acted out in a dramatisation that accompanied the poem below. The poem was written by Year 12 student, Ashley Thomas.
We set our scene on this last night
The night before Jesus Christ died
Jesus with His disciples dined
Eating bread and drinking wine
Jesus said “Eat this in remembrance of Me
For the broken bread is My body
Drink this in remembrance too
For the cup of wine is My blood spilled for you”
Then Jesus said “Someone in this room
Will betray Me very soon”
The disciples cried “Surely not me!”
Before one got up to flee
Jesus took His disciples three
To the garden of Gethsemane
He told Peter James and John
“Don’t give in to temptation”
Jesus went to pray three times
“If it’s Your will, God, spare My life”
But Judas the betrayer, as Jesus had guessed
Told the soldiers “the man who I kiss, you’ll arrest”
They beat Him, mocked Him, whipped and bruised
As He stood there, being accused
They nailed His body to the cross
Believed they had won, and He had lost
But it wasn’t over yet
As Jesus took His last breath
He proclaimed “It is finished”
Died so we are no longer sinners
Mary went to His tomb after three days
There she saw the stone had rolled away
She grieved for she thought Jesus missing
But then the angel proclaimed “He has Risen!”
Spread this news far and wide
For Jesus Christ He is Alive
But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9
I pray for God’s richest blessings on you and your family this Easter. I hope you enjoy a wonderful time of rest and rejuvenation. Also a time of reflection and worship, as we recognise the significance of what Jesus Christ did for us upon the cross and continues to do for us, through the resurrection.
May I invite you, if you do not have an Easter service to attend, to join me at Life Ministry Church on Good Friday at 10.00am and Sunday morning, also at 10.00am. It is always a very special time together.
God bless,
Pastor Matt Daly
College Chaplain