Junior School

It has been another incredibly busy and productive term in Junior School. With holidays upon us, we know families are looking forward to a break from the usual routine and some quality family time. Our students are celebrating a wonderful term of learning and growth in relationships with their teachers and peers. Classroom routines are now familiar, and students and staff have settled into a delightful pattern of learning together.
With the rollout of the Technology Integration Program across Junior School this year, e-safety has been an important focus. As previously communicated, students are participating in an e-safety program which sees them participating in a termly incursion to give them tools to become responsible digital citizens. As parents, the world of technology can be daunting, and as a College, we want to equip parents with the knowledge and skills to support and protect children in this area. On Thursday 18 May at 7.00pm, parents are invited to attend an information session Raising Kids in a Digital World. Martin McGauran and Carley McGauran, a teacher and child psychologist respectively, will run this practical and informative session. Martin and Carley will explore topics such as current trends in online behaviour, cyberbullying, unsafe apps and social media, managing devices in the home and keys to parent-child communication. Please mark this date in your calendar and make plans to attend this event. To register for the evening, please click on the image:
On Thursday 28 March, we enjoyed a day of activity and sportsmanship at the Year 3 – 6 House Athletics. Congratulations to every student who participated, earning points for their House across various events. Well done to Gibeon Warriors, the overall champions for the day! Thank you to parents who attended for their support and to Mr Joshua Gaschk for his organisation of the event.
In Week 6, our students in Years 5 and 6 embarked on an exciting journey to our nation’s capital, Canberra. Students explored our political past and how a modern democracy functions. Experiences such as these complement classroom learning across the domains of History and Geography. The camp was also a fabulous opportunity for students to build stronger connections and friendships. I am sure this trip will be an adventure they will remember for a long time. Thank you to Mrs Anita Bradshaw and her amazing team who planned and ran this fun packed week of learning for our students.
ROAR Award
Congratulations to the following students who were awarded the ROAR Award by their teachers. This prize is presented to students for showing respect, obedience, acceptance, or resilience and upholding our Junior School Code of Respect. The awardees are:
Class | Student | Attribute Shown |
Prep A | Sui Hlawn Par Kheng Lot | Resilience |
Prep N | Tuan Sian Kham Suante | Acceptance |
Prep W | Eliana Bond | Respect |
1CB | Miyah Hunter | Acceptance |
1JB | Caleb Monro | Acceptance |
2A | Nung Za Len Hrang Lung | Resilience |
2R | Marcus Liao | Resilience |
3G | Ella Sanders | Respect |
3P | Joanne Huang | Respect |
3R | Bentley Moulton | Acceptance |
4B | Reuben Nelson | Respect |
4W | Alicia Brown | Respect |
5MC | Xavier Geoghegan-Biggar | Acceptance |
5MO | Ayva Manderson | Resilience |
6B | Stan Sween | Respect |
6G | Leah Chen | Respect |
Our Week 9 Chapel not only saw the announcement of our ROAR Awards but also some other exciting news. It was revealed that Mr and Mrs Rodgers are expecting the birth of their first child at the end of the year. Congratulations to you both, and may God bless you as you enter this new phase of life.
Wondering how to weave opportunities for family fun into your holidays as well as monitor screen time? Why not try some of these fun and relaxing activities:
- Be a Master Chef. Cook up a storm in the kitchen
- Learn a new craft – knitting, sewing, origami or woodwork
- Camp out in the backyard
- Have a PJ and games day
- Visit the local library
- Grow some food in the garden or start a compost bin
- Go rock hunting and make a pet rock
- Bake and give a treat to a neighbour or friend
Thank you to our students, parents and staff for a wonderful Term 1. I pray that the next few weeks will be a time of rest and refreshment. Have a wonderful Easter as we celebrate the true meaning of Easter and remember God’s ultimate love in sending His only Son and the sacrifice Jesus made to restore us back to Himself.
Christ Jesus, who died—more than that, who was raised to life— is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. Romans 8:34
Amy Liddle
Head of Junior School