Year 10 CAAF

Soggy Steps Taken For Year 10 CAAF Students!
On Wednesday 29 March, a rainy day, our Year 10 Coaching And Advanced Fitness Class (CAAF) ventured out to the Dandenong Ranges National Park for a workout on the 1,000 steps to finish off what’s been a great term for the class. Other groups may have cancelled the day, but not CAAFinators who are made of the tough stuff!
Our aims for the day were:
- to consider what local parks and reserves are available and could be used for exercise;
- respond to God’s great creation with wonderment and awe; and
- to engage in fun, food, fitness and fellowship!
Students brought something small to share for a class morning tea after the workout.
Romans 12:2 ... but be transformed by the renewing of your mind ..., was quoted as we discussed the mental health benefits of exercising in nature, as well as the opportunity to engage in mindful exercise, add devotion to your motion, and spend time with God in the process.
Due to safety concerns and inclement weather, we didn’t quite make it to the top, but nevertheless, the class had a real go and enjoyed the session. Special thanks to Miss Clare Jones for coming along and supporting the class.
Gavin Fox
Senior School Teacher