Year 7 Camp

Year 7 Camp is one of the highlights of the year. On Tuesday 28 March, 95 students and 8 staff headed off to Anglesea Valley Lodge for four days of action-packed fun. The program was run by our usual provider, AusCamp, and gave all the students some challenges, thrills and different experiences from those at school. The activities on camp were bodyboarding, canoeing, bush walking, mountain bike riding, of a Master Chef outdoor cooking challenge. We also engaged students in an adventure sports activity, which required them to work together to achieve a set of common goals. As well as these activities, each student spent one night camping in tents in the great outdoors. Many students (and some staff) had never experienced this before, so it was both exciting and challenging for them.
The weather was cool, but fine for most of the camp, so we were able to press forward with all activities and give students a wide variety of experiences. Each night there were planned games and activities for the students to compete in and one night of a devotion under the stars, run by Pastor Matt. There were many highlights on camp, such as students camping for the first time and others going to the beach for the first time. My personal highlight was seeing the way the students interacted with each other, supported each other and looked out for each other.
Our camp was incredible. We had mountain biking, body boarding, canoeing, even camping in the night! My favourite part was probably the Master Chef challenge, we learnt how to cook with a Trangia, my group made potatoes, raisin and apple damper with custard, fried rice and had orange juice with it. I found it beautiful to sit around the campfire under the stars, (even though we didn’t have marshmallows). I would love to go on this camp again! Steffan Sween (7.4)
A huge thank you to the staff who attended the camp to ensure that the students were able to have a great experience and build on their relationships with other students in their year level. I hope everyone was able to get some well-deserved sleep over the weekend.
David Cutler
Year 7 Coordinator