From the Leadership

Learning Diversity

It was with great excitement that the 2023 school year saw the Learning Diversity team move into our newly renovated space. The fabulous area consists of teaching and study areas, as well as a sensory space for students. In addition, there are dedicated offices where staff can collaborate and plan inclusive programs for the students at Mazenod College.


The new area has been named the Penola Centre in honour of the work undertaken by our first Australian Saint, Saint Mary MacKillop, in making education available to all.  A dedication and blessing ceremony will be held soon. 


In mid-2022 a significant restructure was made to Learning Diversity under the leadership of Dr. Paul Shannon. This restructure reflects the importance of the work undertaken in this area and highlights our inclusive approach to the holistic education of all our students. As a result of this restructuring, we are very fortunate to have made the following appointments to the Learning Diversity team:




Suzana Cunha

Learning Diversity Psychologist 




Lindsay Ryan

Learning Diversity Leader Years 7 & 8




Edna Flanagan

Learning Diversity Leader Years 9 & 10




Paul Harrup

Learning Diversity Wellbeing Leader




Dimi Pitsas

Administrative Assistant to Director of Learning Diversity 







Anne Johnson

Director of Learning Diversity