Principal's News

 "Do not let your hearts be troubled." Jn 14:1


Dear Parents and Friends of St Agatha's Primary School,


In this Sunday's Gospel, Jesus reassures his disciples that they will not be separated from him forever when he departs to be with his Father. Instead, Jesus will prepare a place for the disciples so that they may be together eternally. The disciples, as usual, misunderstand. Thomas isn't sure how they will know the way, even though Jesus himself is the way. Philip asks to see the Father, and Jesus, with some bewilderment, asks how Philip has not figured out by now that he has already seen the Father - because he has seen Jesus.  In John’s Gospel account, Jesus continues to teach us about himself and the promise God has made to us through him. How is Jesus “the way”? How do we know how to follow him?


This week our Year 3-6 students began the Swimming program at Casey Race. It was great to see so many of them having a wonderful time in the water.  This week we also had a new playground installed. This new playground is aimed at students in years 3-6. We will have a roster for playing on the new playground for a while so that everyone gets a turn on it. 


Next week we will celebrate Mother's Day. On Tuesday, the students will have the opportunity to visit the Mother's Day Stall. All gifts will need to be prepaid using the new app CDFpay. If you need help to set up this app, please see Natalie Le Miere in the office who is ready and waiting to help you with this.  On Thursday May 11, we are pleased to have our Mother's Day breakfast and Mother's Day morning tea. Mums or special adults are able to book via PAM. The choir will be performing at the breakfast and the students from Foundation to Year Three will take part in a concert at the morning tea. Historically, it is the Foundation students who perform at this event, however, due to the Year 1-3s missing out due to Covid we have decided to expand the concert for this year. I hope you all enjoy the Mother's Day celebrations. Thank you to the staff who have gone above and beyond to make this a very special occasion. 


Every year the school puts out a survey to measure student, parent and staff perceptions about student learning, behaviour etc. The data from these surveys help us to plan for future school improvement. Over the next week, students in Year Six and Year Four will complete the student surveys and we will send out the parent surveys to 50 families that are selected randomly. If you are selected to complete the survey, we kindly ask that this is completed before the end of the survey period.


I hope you all have a wonderful week ahead!


Michelle Bruitzman
