Attached is the June Examination Timetable for Years 9 - 11.Please check the timetable carefully and ensure you know when and where your examinations are scheduled.Any concerns regarding possible clashes please see Ms. Sentry.
The following information regarding the expectations for all students should be read carefully.
- Full school uniform must be worn to all examinations. PE/Sport Uniform is not acceptable.
- Students are advised to be at the examination centre ten to fifteen minutes before the scheduled starting time.
- Students are responsible for their own equipment-pens, pencils, rulers, and calculators, including spare batteries. All bags and other items including mobile phones must NOT be brought to the examination room; they must be left in student lockers.
- No student will be permitted to submit nor leave an exam early.
- If a student is disruptive or non-compliant, the supervisor will quietly ask them to immediately adhere to the specified exam conditions and warn them that if they don’t they will be removed. If a student is disruptive or non-compliant for a second time, the supervisor will quietly instruct the student to leave the examination room and report directly to an Assistant Principal. Any student removed from an exam must wait out the exam time in a designated room (no computer or other materials permitted) and will also receive a detention as a consequence. Any student that does not follow the process and consequences outlined here will be followed up with by the Student Manager and face more severe consequences.
- All students absent from an exam will be required to sit the exam at a later time. Students require a medical certificate if absent from an exam for the exam to be graded, otherwise an NA will be awarded. All exams must be completed before a student is permitted to commence Semester 2 classes.
- Students are not required at school when they do not have a scheduled examination during this period of time. However students are welcome to remain at school to study in the allocated rooms - Year 11 in P8 and Year 10 in P7.