Junior School

Junior School News - Week 10
Dear parents and friends,
The Junior School has had a very busy first term. The students have worked hard on their sport and fitness with great attendance at Early Risers throughout the term. The swimmers have successfully swum in the District, Regional and Divisional Carnivals. The athletes have trained enthusiastically and competed in the House Athletics Carnival and last week in the SDSSA interschool carnival, coming first in their division.
Our STEM multiage day was a joy to be involved in. The students worked cooperatively with those in other year levels to develop their ideas about living sustainably. The Harmony Day event was organised by our Junior School Council, which is a wonderful way for the students to use their voice and agency to promote the issues and ideas that are important to them.
The teachers enjoyed the opportunity to meet with parents last week to discuss the progress of the students during Parent Teacher Interviews. The Year 5 and 6 students led this discussion, which was another opportunity for them to develop agency over their own learning.
I wish all of our Junior School families a joy filled Easter break and look forward to seeing you return on 26 April ready for another term of learning.
Susan Swan
Head of Junior School
Program Hours for ELC 4YO in 2024
Last year we wrote to inform you that after reviewing the announced Government changes to Early Childhood education with increased hours required for both 3 and 4 year old kindergarten, Huntingtower had decided to conclude our 3 year old program at the end of 2023. Following a consultation process with staff and consideration of Government guidelines, the hours for 4 year old program in 2024 will be Monday to Thursday from 8.30am to 3.10pm. This aligns with the rest of the school in order to facilitate consistent pick up and drop off times throughout the school.
Term 2 commences on Wednesday 26 April.
Unwell Students at School - We ask that you help keep the community safe by keeping your children at home if they have cold and flu symptoms or generally unwell. This one act of kindness can help reduce the likelihood others will become unwell. We thank you for your support.
Before & After School - Supervision - Reminder – Before and after school, while in school grounds, parents must supervise their child/children, especially on play equipment. This includes waiting for basketball training. Parents waiting to collect their child/children are asked to wait a distance from the classroom windows to avoid distracting the students.
Late or Leaving Early - If your child is late to school or leaving early, a parent needs to sign them in/out at reception. Students are not to sign themselves in or out without a parent present. Student ID cards can be used to sign students in/out.
Kathy Prince will be on long service leave for the first four weeks of Term 2. Sue Kouvelis will cover the Foundation class Monday to Friday.
Term 2 - Picking up your Foundation Children From Term 2 parents are asked to collect their child at the end of the school day (3.10pm) from the Junior School roundabout (Dunsmuir Drive entrance). Foundation students will be walked by Ms Kouvelis or Ms Prince to the Junior School roundabout for collection. Parents must wait in their car and Ms Kouvelis or Ms Prince will bring your child to your car.
Year 1
Mrs Cole will be on long service leave for the first six weeks of Term 2 with Mrs Murphy covering the Year 1 class.
EMR Swimming - Friday 24 March
Congratulations to our 50x4 freestyle relay team (Austine, Mabel, Cheng-Yun and Chelsea) who won a silver medal at the SSV Eastern Metropolitan Region Championship last Friday. The girls improved their time by 11 seconds and beat the PLC and Wesley teams, who had swum faster than the HT team at Divisional (the stage before Regional).
Chelsea won a silver medal for her individual backstroke.
This was an incredible effort and great outcome. The team has showcased Huntingtower’s spirit and values very well.
House Cross Country on Tuesday 2 May
Note: Day/Date/Time change
At the start of next term, we will have the annual Years 2 to 6 Junior School Cross Country at Huntingtower on the Snowden Oval from 12 noon to 2pm. Students will eat their lunch at recess.
Years 2-6 – House Polo Shirt - The students will be competing in their House colours, Ruthven or Thomson. If you haven’t already, please purchase a red (Ruthven) or yellow (Thomson) house polo shirt from the Huntingtower uniform shop before 2 May.
Parent Volunteers Needed - Please email Nick at ndinnison@huntingtower.vic.edu.au as soon as possible if you can assist on this day. In order to keep the children safe, at least ten (10) parents are needed.
HT Volunteering information and forms are available on our website - link: https://www.huntingtower.vic.edu.au/index.php/volunteering-at-huntingtower
Nick Dinnison
Junior School Sports Teacher
Ball Games - 4pm on Friday 27 October 2023
This year will be the 75th year of Ball Games at Huntingtower which is something worth celebrating. It is to be held on Friday 27 October, with the inaugural twilight Carnival starting at 4pm, to which there is an open invitation.
The program will be a booklet with photos and reflections to commemorate the event. As a parent spectator or in some cases past student I would love for you to write just a couple of sentences about your memories, thoughts or reflections if you would like to. If you have any photos that you are happy to share and have either in the booklet or maybe on display please email Joanna Clapp at ballgames@huntingtower.vic.edu.au by the end of April.
Joanna Clapp - Ball Games Coordinator
2023 Chess Club - Term 2
The Chess Club is open to Year 1 to Year 6 students.
Should you wish your child to join the Chess Club for Term 2, please complete the registration form below to enroll your child and pay online.
EEE Huntingtower term 2 2023.doc
Meg Cole
Year 1 Teacher
School Calendar
Date | Event |
Wednesday 26 April | Term 2 Commences |
Tuesday 2 May | Yr 2-6 Cross Country Carnival @HT |
Friday 12 May | SDSSA Cross Country Carnival (select students) |
Tuesday 23 May to Friday 26 May | Yr 5&6 Tasmania Camp |
Friday 2 June | Student Free Day - Report Writing Day |
Monday 12 June | King's Birthday Public Holiday |
Tuesday 13 June | EMR Cross Country (select students) |
Friday 23 June | Term 2 Concludes (3 weeks break) |
Tuesday 18 July | Term 3 Commences |