Careers News

News from the Career and Pathway HUB

Old Students needed!

We are hoping to bring some former HT students in to assist with the year 11 careers program this year. If you or you know of any past students who would like to share their career path experience please click below so we can get their details.  CLICK HERE

VCE Subject Selection and Scaling

Over the past two weeks I have started meeting with Year 10 students and their parents to discuss the students’ Morrisby Profiles and commence the VCE subject selection process based on the required prerequisites for their current areas of interest. During our next Futures lesson in early Term 2, I will be presenting to all Year 10 students on the topic subject selection and part of this presentation will be around the scaling of VCE subjects. This is a topic that comes up very regularly during subject selection meetings and it is important that students and parents understand what it is, why it happens and how it may affect a student’s ATAR. VTAC provides detailed information regarding scaling here. The most important thing when it comes to VCE subject selection is that students are selecting subjects that: 

  • they enjoy; 
  • they are good at; 
  • reflect their study interests; 
  • help them meet their goals; 
  • meet any prerequisites; 
  • meet VTAC’s rules and restrictions for specific combinations if they wish to obtain an ATAR; and 
  • provide them with options should their interests change. 

Upcoming events

There are many upcoming events at tertiary institutions over the coming months. Please see the links below for details and registration information.

What’s on?

Relevant to:


Further information and registration

UCAT bookings close

2023 Year 12 students interested in applying for Medicine courses

Wednesday 17th May

Visit website to register

Australian National University applications

Year 12 students interested in studying at ANU

1st March – 15th May

Further information and applications

Deakin University campus tours

Year 10-12 students

12th April-20th April

Register here

A Day at Melbourne

Year 9 & 10 students and their parents

22nd April

Register here

RMIT campus tours

Year 10-12 students

17th - 21st April

Register here

Melbourne University campus tours

Year 10-12 students

Various dates

Register here

Swinburne University campus tours

Year 10-12 students

Various dates

Register here

Monash University campus tours

Year 10-12 students

 19th & 20th April

Register here

University of Sydney Year 10 information evening (webinar)

Year 10 students and parents

11th May

Register here

Discover Monash –

Course information series

Year 10-12 students

29th March-31st May

Register here

MySci (Monash University)

(Cost of $115 per student)

Year 11 & 12 Students

Wednesday 12th-Friday 14th April

Register here

VCE and Careers expo

Caulfield Racecourse

Year 10-12 students and families

4th -6th May

More information and purchase tickets here


Please take some time to explore our Huntingtower Careers page. This website, which does not require a log in or password, is full of material regarding futures planning. Here you will find weekly careers newsletters containing important information regarding courses and scholarships, links to course search websites, the career target bullseyes, and many other resources for both students and families to explore. 


Ms Alison Howard
Career Pathways Advisor