Catholic Identity
Strength in our diversity at St Anne's
At St Anne’s College we are a very diverse community when it comes to religious beliefs. This diversity is part of what makes our school community such a rich and vibrant one. As a Religious Education teacher and leader I am constantly reminded of the school intention "Nothing without joy" when I witness our students and staff interact at such a sacred time. The participation of students from many different faith backgrounds in our Stations of the Cross liturgy on the last day of term is an example of the respect and dialogue across our community.
The readings this Easter Sunday remind us to be Easter people, and embrace the living Jesus. To be like Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Joseph, invited by the angel to "go quickly and tell" the world about the love of our risen Christ. At Easter we are reminded to embrace the living Jesus, the life and hope that breaks out of the darkness. We are asked to be the messenger of hope and love wherever it is needed. In our lives we are invited to move away from those things in life that lessen us, to embrace the love and joy of the living Christ in our lives, our community and our world.
Sacramental Program
Over the past few weeks some of our students have been taking part in the St Mel’s Parish Sacramental Program and preparing for their Confirmation and First Eucharist. We had a lovely evening meeting together at St Anne’s College on Thursday, March 30. We ask that you keep our students and their families in your prayers as they continue on their sacramental journey towards Confirmation and their First Eucharist on Sunday, May 28. May your Easter break be blessed with the joy and love of Christ in all you do and may you return refreshed next term after a well-deserved break.
- Elizabeth Holligan, Religious Education Leader