Grade Three

What a year we are having! 

It is hard to believe it’s already term two. The grade 3 teachers have been so pleased with the progress and growth of our students. We worked together to meet new  challenges as we encountered them. Everyone participated in the online NAPLAN and it was a total success. 

We were all patient and resilient! The grade threes were able to participate in their first cross country event which was a total success. 

Well done everyone !




In English, our students have been focusing on reading and writing in narrative, recount and persuasive style texts. We discovered the formal structures of the writing process and explored the features of texts. The students have continued  learning about each step involved in the writing process, including publishing their texts. We also continue to have daily opportunities for independent and partner reading. We have participated in regular reading workshops and enjoy the opportunity to listen to  a class story.




In mathematics, students have been working hard to improve their knowledge of addition and subtraction facts. Mental computation, and counting patterns in relation to tables have also been a constant focus. We have discovered more about clocks and how to tell the time accurately using both a digital and analog clock. It’s also been challenging to find out and discover more about fractions.





In term one, we discovered a lot about Australia’s history in relation to early settlers, indigenous culture and the First Fleet. The students were engaged and curious. This term our focus will be on social justice. We are looking forward to making lots of discoveries together.


All of the grade 3 teachers are really proud of how we have settled into the school year and are looking forward to a sensational term two.



The grade 3 teachers.