Cyber Safety

Keeping our families safe online...


Oatlands Family Webinar Series




This year Oatlands Primary School have paid to engage in four Online Safety webinars, hosted by the team at the Cyber Safety Project. We believe that these sessions will help to build consistency amongst our community, where all students, staff and families will be offered valuable information in keeping ourselves safe in this everchanging digital world. 

Digital Wellbeing

‘It encompasses the health of the whole person – physical, mental, social and emotional.’

Beyond Blue, 2022


Wellbeing has fast become one of the most commonly discussed terms in recent years. But when we break it down, what does it actually mean? As it has been brilliantly articulated above, it encompasses all key pillars of one’s health. If the latter are balanced, so are we, and therefore our wellbeing is in check.


So what is digital wellbeing?

Similar to general wellbeing, digital wellbeing underpins the three key pillars of physical, mental and social health, but in an online sense. We know that technology can be powerful when it’s transformative and improves how we live, learn, work or connect. But it can also sometimes distract us from the things that matter most to us.


Recognising when technology is not positively impacting our world and is negatively impacting on our needs such as physical health (exercise or sleep), emotional health (how we feel), or social interactions (relationships and family) is really important to finding the healthy balance between online and offline life. These are challenges we all face as digital citizens and we play an integral role in supporting the young people in our life to maintain a healthy digital wellbeing.


How do we find a healthy balance to maintain good digital wellbeing?

Think and talk with others about why healthy digital habits are important.

Create time and space for conversations tailored to digital wellbeing, healthy habits, social and emotional learning (role plays, emotions cards, self-regulation).

Model strategies to self-regulate and manage our digital wellbeing.

Create time and space for time off screens by setting screen-time timers, dedicating time for physical activity, and encouraging productive and creative ways to use technology tools.

Promote help seeking strategies and resources.


**Tips for creating positive digital behaviours:

Create conversations and expectations for social protocols online (for family or in school).

Promote help seeking strategies about who to talk to and, together, explore available resources such as eSafety and Kids Helpline.


**Help seeking resources:

Kids Helpline: Kids Helpline | Phone Counselling Service | 1800 55 1800

eSafety: Online safety | eSafety Commissioner

Family Resources: Families – Cyber Safety Project

Digital Balance Calendar

Whole Family Workshop

Whole Family Webinars

Blog: Parent Guide: Empowering Your Teen To Tame Their Screen Time – Cyber Safety Project