Malgobila News -           

Years 10,11 & 12


phone: 5150 4823

Elevate - Ace your exams Tuesday 23rd May
Year 10 TAFE Taster Monday 29th May
Year 8-12 (2024) Subject selection and Careers Open nightWednesday 31st May
Year 11 FormalFriday 2nd June
Mid year exams Monday 5th June to 13th June
Year 10 Fed UniversityWednesday 7th June
Public Holiday - Kings birthdayMonday 12th June
Semester 2 classes beginTuesday 13th June
GATThursday 15th June
Last Day of term Friday 23rd June


Kitchen garden group

Lincoln and Debbie
Selina and Noah
Lincoln and Debbie
Selina and Noah

Students have been busy planting winter vegetables, when they are ready they will be used in the hospitality subjects to produce some yummy treats. 


Senior VCE Vocational Major student Lilly planned a soup lunch for staff members.  There were 3 soups to choose from, including a lemon slice or rumballs for dessert.  Lilly found the recipes, helped direct the cooking process and took orders from staff, who were very appreciative of hot soup on a cold day.


Lily and Kasey
Mario and Nat
Lily and Kasey
Mario and Nat

Personal Development Skills (PDS)


Senior VM student Jordan sanding and re-varnishing one of the garden benches, for his PDS Technology class.



Do It For Dolly Day 2023

Ms V and Hannah
Ms V and Hannah

My name is Kayla, and I am a year 11 VCE VM Student Leader. Dolly’s Dream is important to me because I have been a victim of bullying, it is not a nice thing to experience and sometimes bullying can lead to other things just like what happened to Dolly. I would like to make people aware that there are services and people out there to help you and you don’t have to hide it.


Every year on the second Friday of May we celebrates Dolly’s life and raise awareness for suicide and bullying. Dolly, also known as ‘Amy Everett’, committed suicide on the 3rd of January 2018 because of vicious bullying. I want to raise awareness for Dolly’s Dream, bullying and suicide prevention everyday, not just on Do It For Dolly Day or in our Mental Health Week, this should be something we raise awareness for every day. 


On Friday the 12th of May, we wore our Dolly’s Dream Merchandise and blue ribbons to raise awareness for Dolly’s Dream. 




Home - Dolly's Dream (

Tertiary Information Service (TIS) VISIT

On Monday we had a collection of universities and independent tertiary colleges visit our College to help students prepare for future careers. The information provided by the TIS focuses on VTAC and transitioning to tertiary education after high school.  Students could ask questions of tertiary representatives at the expo component.

Hannah and Alexis
Georga and Mario
Hannah and Alexis
Georga and Mario


Year 11 VCE VM student Akeela planned the catering for the TIS Session. Presenters and visitors were provided a delicious morning tea, with coffee served by Georga and Mario.


VCE Careers Expo


Year 11 and 12 students attended the Careers Expo held annually in Melbourne showcasing a range of tertiary and employment options from across the country, as well as revision lectures and seminars. It was a long day for our students and staff with a very early morning start, but definitely worth the effort.

Year 10 Chemistry 


Our students are enjoying the new practical areas in the Nerran (Science) building. Year 10 Chemistry students Mary, Maddy, Tahlia and Sophie are setting up distillation equipment and using it to obtain pure water from a mixture of copper sulphate.

BSC Uniform

The days are getting colder and our College has lots of winter uniform options to keep students warm. 


Track suit pants and hoodies are not part of our uniform. 


The hub can help with obtaining any items students might need for the colder months. Please contact the hub if you would like some assistance with uniform items.



Uniform items can be purchased from SWF.


Second hand uniform


Please donate your unwanted school uniform, it can be dropped at the office or the hub.


The Senior Hub would like to remind students and parents/carers of the BSC VCE and VCAL Assessment Policy, specifically in regards to approved absences and the required documentation that students need to provide to maintain the required 90%VCE/VCE VM approved attendance. Please click on the Policy below for more information. 



Given the importance of attendance at school, we encourage students and parents/carers to monitor attendance on Compass and to contact the College to ensure all approved absences are properly recorded. 

Year 11 Formal 

Tickets will go on sale mid May, information will be available on Compass. The formal will be held on the Friday 2nd of June.



In addition to weekly dance lessons, students had an impromptu lesson during break 1 this week.  Love their dedication!


Study Sessions  

Homework club has started for Term 2 in the Senior building. This is open for ALL students at the college.


Homework club is a terrific opportunity for students to both catch up or get ahead in work. Students are offered the opportunity to work in small groups with other students or have one on one tutoring with their teachers, or other teachers at the college.


If you are interested speak with your teachers and let them know when you are looking to attend or go to the Senior building on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons.


Homework club runs from 3.20 pm to 5.00 pm and students are free to arrive and leave as they need. Fresh baked afternoon tea is provided on Thursdays by the VCE Vocational students.