
Important Dates - 2023 
Merimbula Jazz Festival (Swing band)Friday 9th to 11th June 
East Gippsland Music Festival Monday 19th June to Thursday 22nd June

Autumn Concert


The Autumn Concert, in week 2, provided a full hall with a great night’s entertainment. The evening started with pre-concert music provided by the Improvisation Group. All College ensembles performed including a large number of new year 7 students. This year the appropriately themed program cover and poster, was designed by Benji.


As it was our first big concert for the year, it was great to have Trudie Nagle give an introductory speech and to have our new music captains, Aleka and Phoebe provide the compering. All our new music leaders were presented with their badges. This year they are: Tajwyn - senior band leader, Honey - strings leader and Ethan - swing band Leader.


Thank you to all the students, staff and volunteers who made this concert a huge success and congratulations to all the performers.



Information Evening


The intermediate band and senior band both performed at our recent school information evening. The intermediate band performed in the new year 7 courtyard which was a fantastic venue to perform and one which we will re-visit in the future. Both bands performed very well and provided the visitors with a wonderful look at our music program. Well done to everyone involved especially our new year 7 students.



New Piano


The music department is very excited with the arrival of a new Kawai piano in the small instrumental teaching room. This purchase has been made using funds donated by a very generous anonymous donor. This will be used for years to come by many students and staff and it will provide students with a good quality accompanying instrument.  We are most grateful for the donation and on behalf of all the staff and students who will use this piano, give our heartfelt thanks. 




Classroom Music


All instrumental music students should consider taking classroom music as an elective in later years. It makes a good companion with instrumental music and provides some creative balance to a course of study.  If you are interested in finding out what is involved in classroom music, come to along to our College's Subject Selection and Careers Open Night on 31st May, check out the music display and speak with the staff.