Principal's Message

Good afternoon and welcome to Week 4 of Term 2.


As I walked through corridors and classrooms this week I enjoyed the calm and focussed 'feel' across our College. Students in class, teachers teaching and learning happening. Yeh! 😊 


I extend another invitation for you to join me on a 'walk around', I get to see it every day. If you could find an hour to come and walk with me, we could share the experience and grow insight into the work we are doing at our College. If you are interested, just contact Kim at the office on 5150 4800 or to make an appointment time.


We have some exciting developments happening at our College: 


Every year 9 student, of course must study English. To increase engagement and connection for students, in Term 3 a trial group will be able to select their English work according to their interest choice. Such as, writing pieces, essay structure, investigation pieces, argumentative and persuasive pieces may be centred around particular themes. It may be sport, poetry, or fantasy and fables, investigative journalism and more. (Me, I would have chosen sport every day of the week! What would you have chosen?)  The trial group have already made their selections and I very much look forward to watching this program develop.


But wait …… there’s more! Our year 10 maths students have been focussing on the application of maths skills to the numeracy work that follows. What does that mean? An example maths unit is 'fire and water' that looks at the skills of measurement, problems solving, volume of water tanks and capacity to catch rain fall from roof area etc.  This is all done through the application of mathematical concepts to real life problems / projects. The response from the students has been very positive, watch this space. 


We had a fabulous year 7 information night last week. This is where those families with children in Grade 5 and 6 have the opportunity to come and have a look at our College facilities and listen to an information presentation. We estimate that we had over 300 people through the facilities and looking at subject information stands, chatting with staff and then taking part in an information session. The College Captains presented the information session and did a fabulous job. All feedback has been positive and encouraging that this style of presentation suits our families. Well done to Alli and her team. 



The next step in transitioning students between our year levels is the Subject Selection and Careers Open night for all other students. We are approaching this differently this year, by combining two nights into one. Please mark 31st May in your calendars. (refer to the upcoming events section for more information.)


Please be sure to check 'when and where you should be somewhere'! 😊 All families will have the opportunity to walk through all our facilities, plus gather important information around the 'must do’s' and opportunities available when moving into the next year level.


As always, I am very happy to chat and look forward to the chance to take you on a walk through.


Talk soon.










Trudie Nagle
