Principal's Report

2024 Foundation Enrolment / School Tours

Foundation enrolments for 2024 are now open. We are looking forward to holding our Information Evening on Monday 22nd May and we are currently conducting school tours. If you have a sibling of a child currently enrolled at Syndal South PS, please drop in to get an Enrolment Pack to complete as soon as possible.  The enrolment form can also be found on our website. If you have friends, neighbours or extended family joining us or looking to join us at Syndal South PS next year, please encourage them to get in touch to arrange a tour around our awesome school!

Mother’s Day Stall 

The Parents Association will be holding the Mother’s Day Stall tomorrow. If students would like to buy a gift, we ask that they bring no more than $10 (to purchase the gift) in a named envelope. We also have the special Mother’s Day Raffle that will be drawn tomorrow, tickets are available for 50 cents.

2 Minute parking (Drop Off and Pick Up Zone)

The drop off zone is installed, monitored, and policed by the Monash City Council (MCC), not the school. They are regularly patrolling to ensure everyone is safe around the school and the rules are followed.


Some major points that I encourage parents to adhere to, include:

− Drivers MUST remain in the vehicle at all times (this means NOT getting out of the car! Say your good byes to your children before you get to school) 

− Students should always use the door on the foot path side (Students should also have their bag close by ready to hop out unassisted).


In the afternoons, please:

− Do NOT wait in the zone if your child is not there! If your child is not waiting for you, complete another lap of the school until they arrive waiting for you at the zone. Parents are encouraged to wait to leave your home a bit later (after 3.20pm) and inform your child/ren to come straight to the waiting area; this will help ensure your child is at the zone waiting to be picked up. The drop off zone is often empty at 3.25pm! 

− You cannot park in the Drop-Off Zone between 3-4pm (and 8-9.30am); during this time, it is a no standing area, and you will be fined as happened recently. You must not wait in the zone for more than one minute. 

− Ensure you speak with your child to make sure they are waiting on the footpath ready to be picked up.

Education Week

This year, Education Week runs from Sunday 14 to Saturday 20 May. The theme Active Learners: Move, Make, Motivate celebrates the many ways students learn, through physical activity, hands on learning and student voice.


Education Week is an opportunity for our school to celebrate and share with you how we encourage our students to be active learners.


This year, we have slightly scaled back Education Week celebrations due to the building works. There will be two special events for the week. On Wednesday afternoon from 2.00 pm you are invited to join in the ‘Yard Art.’ This is a whole school activity, where the students are in multi age groups and choose a picture story book, then choosing the groups favourite illustration reproduce the illustration on the path using chalk. The second event for our students is the incursion Operation Empathy on Thursday. The incursion focuses on working as a member of a community and how we can best cooperate, communicate, appreciate, support others, and thrive as part of a team encouraging students to think about the people they share their home, classroom, school and world with.

House Cross Country

Last Friday we held the House Cross Country run, it was great to see the parents in attendance cheering on all the competitors. Our school values were on show with the runners openly offering words of encouragement to each other and giving their all to make it to the end. Thank you to our wonderful PA members who supplied the fruit to the runners as they finished their long run.


The results of the House Cross Country were:

1st - Kunjen  702 Points

2nd - Arunta  766 Points

3rd - Pintubi  853 Points

4th - Anyula  870 Points



From the results of the Cross Country, we now have a team heading off to Jells Park tomorrow to compete in the SDSSA Cross Country. Go Syndal!

Finally, I would like to send special Mother’s Day wishes to all our wonderful Syndal South mums and grandmothers for their special day on Sunday.

Have a fabulous fortnight everyone!
