Being Well at Magill 

Hello everyone,


It is hard to believe we are already at the end of Week 4! Looking around, it is wonderful to see how adaptable and resilient our school community is. Our parents in supporting their children to manage what have been tricky circumstances both in the wider community and here at school. Our teachers managing online and face-to-face teaching, and most recently delivering Acquaintance Night via Teams. Of course, we all know that our Magill students are the stars!


Our brand-new Reception children  have been simply awesome! Amongst other key learning, they have been working hard studying different emotions and the link between our brain and bodies.


They have been learning to recognise their own body’s warning signals as we all experience emotions differently. For example, when getting angry some people might feel an increase in their heart rate, feel hot and bothered, while others may tense up: jaws, fists and so on. Children need to practise recognising their own body signals and that this allows time for their thinking brains to stay in control. 


The children have been practising breathing strategies: five fingers breathing and belly breathing. They have been learning breathing and meditation skills with Monkey Moovlee.


One of the books used to assist children to think about their emotions is called ‘The Colour Monster’ by Anna Llenas. This book links colours to feelings in a beautiful way. Have a look at some of P8’s work that has been based on this story.



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 KidsHelpline: 1800 551 800




Beyond Blue:  1300 224 636





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