Under The Spotlight & Year 6 Writing

2022 School Captains:


Rhys (Year 6 School Captain)

Hi my name is Rhys and you might know me because I am one of your 2022 School Captains. I enjoy hanging out with my friends Luca and Louis. I play football for East Geelong and I am the second oldest out of my 3 other siblings. I play a bit of golf for fun and I also enjoy playing cricket. I am known for being a really kind person and being nice to everyone. I have a dog like most people. It is one of the best feelings coming home and your dog runs at you. And if you have anything to say come to us.

Have a great day





Will (Year 6 School Captain)

Hi my name is Will and I am one of your 5 school captains this year in 2022. I have only been at OGPS since year 4 but I was lucky enough to be elected as school captain. I love school and I am always willing to learn new things. I live with my parents and my little brother Angus. I also have a Border Collie named Gibb, he is named after the Gibb River Road in the Kimberleys. I love going to the beach and building Lego. In my spare time I enjoy making movies and acting. I can't wait to be your school captain and I will try my hardest to help our school to continue to be the wonderful school it is today. 

Thank you 





2022 School Captains Video:










Year 6 Student Writing:


Has Manny persuaded you with his writing?


There are 195 countries in our world, but only one stands out for me. Greece, slapped right into the Mediterranean, a diamond behind the Italian boot. With pristine beaches, beautiful towns, and the absolute greatest history, nothing, and no one can compare. Greece, quintessential place for a family holiday.


Have you ever been to the beach, hoping for a swim, but the waves hold you back? Greece doesn't have that problem. The beaches are clear, blue, and absolutely perfect in everyway. With a wide variety of wild life, this is the perfect place to go snorkeling or just a refreshing swim. And it's100% kid friendly with absolutely zero aggressive sharks.


Greece is home to some of the most famous ancient sites, including, the Parthenon, a giant temple in the middle of Athens! With a whopping 7.2 million visits per year, it's the most visited location in all of Greece! And, Delphi once again, with a comfortable 700,000 visits each year, it's the perfect mix of history and mythology, no one wants to miss this.


The rolling hills of Greece are dotted with wonderful little towns filled with the fragrance of wildflowers, roasting barbecues, and much more. The houses of these little villages are also of the utmost architecture that you would never see anywhere else. You won't find any skyscrapers here, no siree!


As you can tell, Greece is far superior to any of the other 194 countries.