From the Assistant Principal 

Kristy Hannan-Cuthbertson

Reminder: Curriculum Day  & Public Holiday

A reminder that Friday 11th March is a Curriculum Day – Student Free.

Monday 14th March- Labour Day Public Holiday



Dear Families,


It was with great excitement that our Year 5 and 6 students began to move back into the SLC building last Friday. An assortment of books, chairs, tubs and other resources formed a convoy from the library, gym and Year 4 portable area, back into our reinstated SLC, which looks fabulous. I am aware there were some nervous staff in regard to the predicted rain over the weekend however, I’m pleased to say that the SLC building was not affected and is looking amazing. Enjoy it Year 5 and 6 – you thoroughly deserve it.


Rick Kayler-Thomson (STEM teacher) and Hayden De Roest (ICT technician) had a busy but very productive day last Friday as they worked their way through the school to ensure our students are prepared with the correct settings, apps and platforms on their devices. Have you ever pondered what pathway your children may take when they leave school? Ocean Grove Primary School is committed to enhancing student learning by integrating technology as a learning tool. We live, work and operate in a technological word and therefore our children will need to acquire certain skills to be able to navigate this world.


This Friday is a curriculum day and the staff will be involved in a day of professional learning with John Hendry. John has been an educator for more than 50 years, in many roles including teacher, School Councillor, many leadership positions and student welfare roles.  He is one of the originators of  Positive Education, a Life member of the Careers Development Association of Australia, a consultant  to Primary and Secondary Schools across all  systems in Australia, Hong Kong, China,  and a consultant to UNESCO on Bullying and school violence. We are really looking forward to working further with John and continuing the work around Social and Emotional Learning at Ocean Grove Primary School.


Several staff are participating in a range of professional learning activities this week. Six of our teachers will undertake the PLC training (Professional Learning Communities). The PLC training provides groups of educators that meet regularly, to share expertise and work collaboratively to improve teaching skills and the academic performance of their students. We also have five staff participating in Growth Coaching training. This training opportunity supports educators in establishing instructional coaching cycles that lead to improved teaching and student learning.


Kerryn McKeon and Ann Miller (our learning specialists) have been providing staff with rich professional learning experiences in both writing and maths. These areas of the curriculum form part of the school’s annual implementation plan and staff are both committed and enthused about implementing this learning into the classrooms.


It’s terrific to see that our students will recommence their visits to the local library this week. The feedback regarding the library visits in 2021 was extremely positive and we’re thrilled to be able to do offer this again in 2022. You can indicate that you have given permission for your child/ren to attend via Sentral.


The school grounds will not be accessible this coming weekend due to further remediation work that will be undertaken under asbestos controlled conditions. We appreciate your support and understanding in regards to our playground projects. It will certainly be worth the wait.


Staff and students have been making the most of the recent good weather and outdoor areas around the school that can be utilised for outdoor learning experiences. Ocean Grove Primary School has been successful in obtaining a grant for a shade sail to be connected to the back of the library decking area, thus creating another outdoor learning space for our students.


I hope you and your family enjoy the long weekend. 

Take care everyone.

