
NDA Bully no Way!

NDA against bullying and violence.                        Friday 18 March

Tomorrow we acknowledge the National Day of Action against bullying and violence. It has been running for 12 years and this year has a theme of Kindness Culture. 

Our students will come to school dressed in free dress, wearing their favourite colour, as a way of raising awareness of the NDA and bullying prevention. 


This day is an opportunity for our school to deliver the powerful message that bullying is never ok. We encourage the students to join the conversation about finding positive solutions for bullying prevention.  


Our students will join together tomorrow and over the coming week to reflect on what bullying looks like, and how they can be an upstander in a way that they are comfortable with, for themselves and others. 


The theme of Kindness Cultures suits our community well as we are always activity encouraging each other to think about how we can be kind to others and fill their buckets!


Below is an example of some tips and information that will be given to your children. This fact sheet is from the Bully No Way website.