Junior School

Term one is always jam-packed and this year has been no different. How wonderful to spend an entire term on school grounds and in classrooms. Students are remembering what it is to be in school and focused all day, every day. They are enjoying spending time together and they are developing their skills in the classroom.
A New Beginning for our Year 7s
Beginning secondary school can be exciting and intimidating at the same time. There are new routines to get used to, lockers and lock combinations, new classrooms, classmates and teachers. It is great to see how our year 7s have settled in and are making new friends, navigating new learning environments and conquering those locks! As we progress through the year our focus on routine and rigour will help to set up the learning habits required for success in school.
Year 7 Camp
At the start of March, 50 of our year 7 students spent three days of adventure at the Lady Northcote Recreation Camp. These students participated in a wide range of fun activities while making memories and forming new friendships.
Year 7 camp was so fun! I enjoyed it so much! Not to mention I faced some of my biggest fears and accomplished so many challenges I really thought I’d never do, especially high ropes, it was by far the most challenging course. Once I stood up in the air I was instantly frozen but by the end I succeeded thanks to the motivation I got from my peers. The giant swing was the same. Once I was up high and swinging, my heart dropped but I had fun and enjoyed it. I am super thankful that I got to do these things, make new friends, and face my fears. Let’s just say, I didn’t leave with a single regret.
Written by Haania Haydari 7B
Year 7 Welcome BBQ
Thank you to all of the families that attended our Year 7 Welcome BBQ. It was such a wonderful opportunity for parents and teachers to meet face to face, hear about the opportunities we provide for students at Lyndale, and enjoy a sausage. If you were unable to attend, please see your Compass newsfeed for a copy of the presentation.
Congratulations to our Junior School Captains for 2022
Throughout the first weeks of term, 9 candidates for Junior School Captain submitted applications, sat interviews, recorded speeches that were shown to all year 8 and 9 students and waited patiently for voting to conclude. All students involved are to be commended for their professionalism and patience throughout this process. Although we can only have four Junior School Captains, all nine students are a credit to the school and should be congratulated.
The four Junior School Captains for 2022 are:
All students in years 7 and 9 have sat a practice NAPLAN online test this term to ensure that all feel confident and ready when NAPLAN takes place in May. Students are to be commended for their patience throughout this process as laptops were configured and instructions deciphered before they could begin. Ironing out technical difficulties now is sure to support the smooth running of the tests.
Uniform is a way of showing that you belong to and take pride in a community. We are proud to say that most students are consistently wearing the correct uniform items but would also like to send a few reminders as the weather gets colder.
- The blazer is the outer garment and should always be worn over the school jumper.
- Additional layers under the school shirt (e.g. singlets, spencers) are a great way to stay warm but should not be visible.
- All students must wear black leather shoes that look like the examples in the student diary on page 24.
- Sports uniform can only be worn for sport. If your child has sport in period 1, they may attend dressed in their PE uniform with their regular school uniform in their bag ready to change at recess.
- If you are experiencing difficulty getting uniform, please contact your child’s coordinator to see how we can be of assistance.
Open Night
Wednesday May 4th is Open Night from 6:00pm – 8:00pm.
Proof of vaccination certificate is required.
Junior School Team
Assistant Principal: Luke Wilson
Director of Junior School: Nina Kempinger
Year 7: Diana Kennedy and Megan Maxwell
Year 8: Tyler Kendall & Rachith Rajakumar
Year 9: Rosie Cassell & Corey Martin
Admin: Hua Chuc
Nina Kempinger
Director of Junior School