
Year 10 Outdoor Education and Inclusion Water Safety Day
On March 11th As part of the year 10 Outdoor Education elective and Life Saving Victoria’s Diversity and Inclusion program, our Students to part in a water safety day at Carrum Beach. Students gained the practical knowledge to keep themselves and others safe when in and around water, particularly open water environments. Students gained knowledge on how to spot a rip current, how to use life jackets correctly, how to perform a risk assessment of water conditions. Students also were able to participate in mock rescue scenarios using rescue tubes and rescue boards. We would like to thank Carrum Life Saving Club and Life Saving Victoria for putting on such a fantastic experience for our students.
Year 12 Sport and Rec Phillip Island Surfing Day
As an essential element of the year 12 Sport and Rec program students must participate in a wide a variety of Sport and Recreational events. The Surfing tripped focused on Work Place Health and Safety e.g. hazard identification, risk assessment and control methods for surfing. All students had a fun and relaxing day whist gaining firsthand experience of the recreation industry.
Aquatic Industry Visit Dandenong Oasis
Over two Tuesday afternoons the Year 12 VET Cert III Sport and Recreation students, met the facilities and operations managers at Dandenong Oasis to discuss their Work Health & Safety policies and procedures. They also meet with the head education officer for the centre to discuss the programs they offer their customers. These visits/ practical observations where part of the students SAC portfolio for term 1.
David Ellison
VET/VCE Sport and Recreation
Progress in Implementing an Active Schools Approach at Lyndale
Lyndale Secondary College early last year applied for a grant and the school was awarded an Extracurricular and PE boost. Unfortunately, COVID created many barriers last year so we will be looking at running these programs this year. We also received the Active Schools Grant to support our school’s implementation of a whole school approach to physical activity.
The core purpose of Department of Education’s Active Schools Framework is the promotion of physical activity for all students at every opportunity through a whole of school and community approach.
The priority areas of the Active Schools Framework that Lyndale Secondary College are:
Active Travel
Active travel gets children moving every day. Active travel involves walking, cycling, scooting or other active ways of getting to or from school, for the whole journey or as part of the journey along with other travel modes, such as public transport.
We will be looking at upgrading our bike compound with the possibility of moving it to provide a more visible and secure environment that encourages more students to ride or scoot to school. Also we will be investigating a tag on system that rewards students for using active transport as a mode of travel to school.
Quality School Sport
Quality school sport develops well-rounded children. Children and young people who participate in quality school sport are more physically, socially and emotionally healthy. They are also more likely to participate in sport and physical activity outside of school hours and be active adults.
We will be looking to re-engaging more students to get involved in our school sports program
Extracurricular Boost
Term 1
Lunchtime programs run this term have been;
Cricket, Golf, Tennis, Beach Volleyball, Fitness Circuits
Term 2 Plan is;
Dance Classes, Football (Soccer and AFL), Volleyball
PE Boost
We will use this funding to purchase PE equipment that has been difficult because of high cost of equipment. We are looking to purchase 3 more bikes to complete our set of other bikes purchased approximately 3 years ago.
“Active kids are happy, healthy and resilient kids. Active Kids are active learners.”
Providing opportunities for physical activity across the day can enhance students physical and mental health, and positively impact academic performance through improved concentration and ability to retain information. We know many school age children are not sufficiently active. A review in 2018 revealed that only 30% of children were meeting the recommended Australian Physical Activity Guidelines. With the majority of young people attending school for up to 12 years, the school environment provides a unique opportunity to support the development of lifelong physical activity and health behaviours in our young people.
Lyndale Secondary College and in particular the HPE Department are looking forward to continuing to provide better opportunities this year for our students to be actively involved in physical activity programs at school. Our intention is that we change physical activity behaviours so students can take up community sports for lifelong improvements in health and fitness.
Theo Petkaris
HPE Domain Leader