
Term 1 Review
This term in Humanities Years 7-9 have been learning about government, democracy and how to be an active participant in our society. A very current topic considering our upcoming Federal election. Students have learned about voting though experiencing a class election, simulated question time as well as different methods of active participation. Through this knowledge we have also improved on our critical thinking, questioning and paragraph writing skills throughout the term.
To support this learning, the Humanities team also ran Harmony Day to help support our fellow Australian citizens by raising over $200 for the floods in NSW and Queensland. This was a great day to celebrate our pride in our diverse cultural backgrounds at Lyndale. It was great to see the support and involvement of the whole school community in our cultural dress up day and fashion parade.
Take care over the break and we look forward to delving into History in Humanities next term.
Allegra Blain
Humanities Domain Leader
Beginning on the 21st of March we celebrated Harmony Week at Lyndale Secondary college. Harmony day is a celebration of diversity and is about acceptance, inclusiveness and belonging to all Australians, regardless of their cultural or linguistic background. The theme of Harmony day is 'everybody belongs'. Orange is the chosen colour for Harmony day as it represents mutual respect and freedom of thoughts and ideas.
Our college Harmony day celebrations were filled with joy, music and dance while showcasing everyone’s unique cultures. We held a lunchtime event where students came along to make bracelets with coloured beads that represent their own country as well as bookmark making and world map plotting. Through these activities, students were able to interact and have fun whilst learning about other cultures and embracing their own. We held a dazzling fashion show where students showcased their traditional cultural clothing. The show was absolutely perfect and so fun with lots of music and dancing. During the week we also had a casual day fundraiser to support our national community by raising funds for the many people who have recently lost their homes and possessions due to the flood disasters in Queensland and New South Wales. All casual day proceeds raised will be donated to the Red Cross flood appeal.
Overall, we had a great week embracing Lyndale’s diversity. We would like to thank all staff and students involved in making the day a great success!
Harmony Day video:
Article by
Christina Shaiju 9C
Literacy leader