Principal's Report

What a wonderful term we have had. Term One has been very busy with all students reengaging in quality learning experiences within and beyond the classroom. Maintaining our priorities of student engagement, learning, and wellbeing throughout this term has been a credit to students, staff, and parents. There were many weeks where we were experiencing multiple students and between 20% and 25% of our staff absent. Most absences resulting from students and staff becoming close contacts with only a few unfortunate to contract COVID19 themselves. I want to acknowledge the incredible work commitment of our staff who not only covered classes for their absent colleagues but also provided work for students in isolation while still teaching their own classes.
We have been able to reengage students in many of the activities they have missed over the last few years including Year 7 camp, excursions, College Swimming and Cross Country Carnivals, interschool sport, Cultural Diversity and Harmony Day, music, ABCN programs, work placements and many other activities. The Year 12 formal was a wonderful event – our students looked so beautiful and happy as they danced the night away.
Our high expectations and platform for respect are now well established and understood by our students, empowering them to be responsible for their own behaviour and learning. This isn’t to say that a small number haven’t required reminding on occasions.
Student Parent Teacher Conferences
On Wednesday 6th April we conducted our first for the year student/ parent/ teacher conferences. These conferences are an opportunity for you to meet and get to know your child's teacher and can foster a positive conversation. It is through the sharing of information about your child’s progress, interests and needs, that teachers are better equipped to personalise your child’s learning. We thank all parents/guardians/carers for engaging with our teachers to enable us to work together as a team to support our learners.
Advance notice of early finish for students - Term 2
Students will be dismissed at 1:50pm on Thursday 12th May 2022 and Wednesday 8th June 2022 in Term 2 to allow staff to complete compulsory Department of Education training.
Student Successes
I want to acknowledge the extraordinary work staff have carried out since the start of the year to identify any potential changes in student learning growth. There have been a number of intervention and extension programs that have been implemented, complimented by tutors and the collective supports to support learning catch up and identification of students with wellbeing concerns, is a credit to their commitment to all students learning growth.
Two weeks ago, our school was identified in an article published in the Herald Sun as being a state school standout due to our above average progress in NAPLAN. We are very proud of our student learning and continue to strive for learning growth no matter an individuals’ starting point. It was fantastic to see our students achieving and being acknowledged for their learning growth. Congratulations to our students and staff for achieving such outstanding results during another year of predominantly remote learning.
On Tuesday 29th March in the Dandenong Star Journal an ex Lyndale Secondary College student, Dr Steven Kerr, was recognised for his contribution to decoding COVID. Steven is a gifted mathematician that holds a PhD in quantum gravity physics and economics and over the last two years has been crunching numbers for world leading research on COVID-19 vaccines in the UK.
Lyndale Secondary College alive with the Sound of Music!
This year the college has an amazing 150+ students participating in the Music Program. They are committed to a gruelling training schedule which results in these students showcasing their incredible talents in the an assortment of different musical arrangements ranging from concert bands to ensembles and vocal groups.
Our learning community looks forward to attending and enjoying many performances, including our College production Mama Mia, provided by these students through the year. This fantastic music program is a tribute to the hard work and talent of our dedicated instrumental and music teachers.
College Uniform
Students are expected to be in their winter uniforms from the start of term two with the correct items being worn to and from school. Students were reminded of the uniform requirements and the importance of making any necessary adjustments to uniform length, holiday hair colours and jewellery before they return to school.
Rapid Testing
We have been notified that rapid testing will be continuing next term. Please ensure students have undertaken their test on Tuesday 26 April, which is the first day of the term. Distribution of further RATs will be sent home on this day in readiness for Thursday’s testing.
Senior Secondary Pathways Reform
In 2023 there will be a new integrated senior secondary certificate, which will be fully integrated by 2025. This will bring together our Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) certificates.
The VCE Vocational Major will replace the existing VCAL at the Intermediate and Senior levels from 2023.
This two-year vocational and applied learning program within the VCE will equip students with the skills, knowledge, and confidence they need for the world of work. It will also prepare them to transition into apprenticeships, traineeships, further education and training, or university via non-ATAR pathways.
In line with the recommendations of the Firth Review, all government secondary schools, are expected to provide the VCE Vocational Major from 2023, with limited exceptions.
Provision of the VCE Vocational Major and VPC means that Literacy, Numeracy, Work Related Skills and Personal Development Skills studies will continue to be delivered on-site by Lyndale Secondary College.
We are currently working towards this and will provide detailed information for current Year 10 students and families as part of the course counselling process.
Building works
The last two weeks have been particularly challenging for staff and students, as we needed to contend with the closure of the central courtyard due to our building works. This means that we are all inconvenienced by having to access our buildings the long way and not being able to access te shortcuts that we have been used to.
This is a big ask for our staff and students and I must admit it is testing all of us and causing much frustration. We endure it and as annoying as it is, we will manage to get through this if we keep in mind the beautiful landscaped courtyard that we will take into possession at the end of this ordeal along with the state of the art senior school building. I am writing this as I need to acknowledge how difficult it is for our staff and students, and how as a school, we always manage to deal with adversity and support one another. I cannot thank the staff and students enough for their resilience, adaptability and tolerance and am so grateful for this.
In more positive news, all of the remedial works associated with the Performing Arts Building (brick work and roof) have now been completed. Please refer to Gary McCall’s update on the building project further in this newsletter.
Upcoming holiday break
As the term draws to a close, I would like to again thank everyone who has contributed to a successful return this year. It has been wonderful to have been able to be all together back onsite this year following the disruptions last year and we hope that continues.
I especially wish to thank our community for the positive welcome provided to new students and staff as they have transitioned into Lyndale Secondary College. They have quickly gained an understanding of how inclusive and proud we are of our college and the culture of learning growth and respect that is stived for each day.
All the very best to staff, students, and families for a safe and relaxing holiday break so that we can all return refreshed and motivated for Term 2 on Tuesday 26th April. (Monday 25th April is the ANZAC Day public holiday).
If you have any wonderings, concerns or feedback, please do not hesitate to contact the school to talk or arrange a time to meet.
I trust that the upcoming holiday period will allow you all the opportunity to relax and enjoy the company of family and friends.