Upper Primary Learning

At the beginning of Term 4, UPA said goodbye to their teacher Mara, as she was soon due to have a baby. UPA welcomed their new teacher, me (Madeleine,) with open arms.! UPA has been focusing on getting back into the classroom routines, and making sure that they are displaying the school expectations at all times. The students have blown me away with how they’ve achieved this. With the uncertainty of lockdowns and staggered returns, I am so impressed with the resilience they have shown.
This term we have focused on food for Literacy. We enjoyed making things like butter and apple juice.
In Math, we learned all about Australian money, as well as topics like division, place value and multiplication.
Term 4 has been busy, exciting and certainly exhausting. The students of UPA have surpassed my expectations, and I’m so proud of each and every one of them.
UPB have done a tremendous job this term! They have all worked so hard to get back into the routines after such a long lockdown! This term, we have continued with our Integrated Unit of “The Farm”, focusing on from farm to plate where students learnt about where their food comes from.
They have participated in many language experiences and developed their writing and editing skills over the term. In Math, UPB have been working on their number skills including place value, skip counting and counting forwards and backwards.
UPB have really come together as a small school family and I’m very proud of each and every student for always trying their best. Happy holidays and see you next year!
2021 has been an interesting but rewarding year. The students of UPC have shown incredible resilience and kindness through tricky times. The class has bonded and have become like a family. They have each other’s back and are always willing to help their classmates or teachers whenever it is needed. Fun was at the forefront for us and our days were filled with lots of joy and plenty of laughter. Most of UPC were brand new to Upper Primary this year and they have well and truly settled into the big school now!
Term 4 was a very busy term! We managed to squeeze in many exciting experiences including language experiences, swimming, Grade 6 Graduation, an author visit, and a celebration day at WaterMarc.
We couldn’t be more proud of UPC and the wonderful young people they are!
It was terrific to see the students return to face-to-face learning after many weeks of remote and flexible learning. Back onsite they have enjoyed engaging in many valuable learning experiences to investigate information about the farm and where our food comes from.
In Math the students have been engaged in topics such as Money, Multiplication and Division and Place Value. They have participated in lessons using concrete materials to support their learning and practical situations, such as using money in shopping scenarios to reinforce their skills.
The students have enjoyed an author’s visit to the school and participating in their chosen electives for the term.
The graduating students are very excited about their transition to Secondary School next year.
All in all, the students can be commended for the amazing resilience they have demonstrated during a challenging year. They have each displayed the school expectations of being responsible, being safe, being respectful and most importantly being a learner.
Well done to all the fantastic students of UPD!
Well done UPE on a fantastic year! All the students in UPE have worked so hard and have improved in all areas of the curriculum. They should all be so proud of their efforts for not only showing resilience but also displaying a high level of persistence in a challenging year of learning remotely and in the classroom. We have had a year of laughs, smiles and learning accomplishments. Thank you for arriving each day with a smile on your face and the readiness to jump in and take risks in your learning. Keep up in the good work in 2022!
2021 has been a year full of twists and turns but UPF has taken on everything with a smile. We have loved every minute together, learning and playing, which we balanced perfectly each day.
With easy access to the Upper Primary courtyard, we used this outside space as an extension of our classroom during Literacy, Maths and Social Competencies.
Term 4 was jammed packed with many opportunities to explore and learn through language experiences, including making billy tea, comparing corn, and making a sandwich, as well as electives, an author’s visit, a fun-filled day at Watermarc and celebrating with the Year 6 graduating students.
We are incredibly proud of UPF students and their resilience and kindness. They continue to demonstrate and apply the Concord Expectations, which will carry them forward in life.
What a year it has been, at school, at home and back at school. We are super proud of the students in UPG for their resilience and commitment to learning.
We have had a very busy Term 4, working hard to improve in Reading, Writing and Math.
The highlights for 2021 were the Graduation of year 6 students. The end of year Watermarc excursion and lunch in the park was as huge day for all.
As we wind up the school year and say goodbye to some, we welcome others for 2022.
Special thanks to the parents of my wonderful students for all you fabulous support.
I wish you all a very happy and relaxing break. Look forward to seeing you in 2022.
What an exciting last few weeks it has been. Term 4 has definitely been something memorable for the students of UPH. Not only has everyone returned to school and made the most of all the time together, they have also been incredibly mature whilst getting used to a change of classroom teacher. The class said a happy ‘See you soon’ to Sabrina midterm, who is due to have her babies shortly. We said and a big‘Hello’ to Marcella and Tom.
Some highlights from the students have been doing hard work, specialist programs Art ,PE, Music and Digital Tech classes, Friday Free Writing and Glee club!
UPH are all looking forward to a relaxing school holidays whilst eagerly anticipating the changes that will come with the new year.
The students would like to wish everybody a happy and safe holidays.
Rachel Morgan
Leading Teacher
Teaching and Learning