Parents, Teachers & Friends and School Advisory Council 

President – Clare Lee 

Vice President – Kate Dillon 

Secretary – Marnie Jamieson 

Treasurer – Jenni Hird 

Hello Parents, Teachers and Friends,

If you are a new member to our community, or have been here before, welcome to the new year!  We hope you enjoy your time at St Joseph's.

Our PT&F committee is a group of dedicated and committed “doers” who are passionate about the St Joseph’s community. We are here to support and assist in bringing our community together and we also like to fundraise so that we can provide the little extras (like books, gardening and sporting equipment, canteen) to the school and ultimately, our children.


This is us:

President – Clare Lee (Mum to Charles -yr 6 and Rosie – yr 4)

Vice President – Kate Dillon (Mum to Olive – yr 5)

Secretary – Marnie Jamieson (Mum to Jorja – yr 4 & Tayla – yr 1)

Treasurer – Jenni Hird (Mum to Ricky – yr 4 and Ryder – yr 1)


Together with our teaching and support staff, we meet on the 2nd and 6th Wednesday of each term, in the library, from 6pm. Our meetings run for an hour, and we discuss many and varied things but mainly how we can value-add to our already wonderful school community. Be it through supporting our families, our children or fundraising.

We are now calling for parents and friends to assist in our canteen. Generally, canteen is offered to the children on a Friday, and we aim to cook fresh and healthy meals, made with seasonal produce. Availability of canteen is largely dependent on assistance by you, our school community. If you can lend a hand for a few hours on a Friday, please contact us via the below method.

You can find our calendar of events with this newsletter. If you can assist with any of the activities please let me know via phone on 0409079932 or email


We also have a Facebook 'Parent Page' called;  St Joey's Quirindi Parents.  We would love for you to join this page which is designed to:  Ask questions and discuss school events


Sunflower Trail Fundraiser - Jenni Hird

During the holidays, the PT&F held a very successful fundraising event as part of the Sunflower Trail.  We set up a little ‘pop up stall’ in the paddock and at the grand woolshed at Windy Station selling - Art Packs, drinks and cut sunflowers to the many visitors that came.  Children from everywhere immersed themselves amongst the sunflowers and created little painting masterpieces.  It was a fabulous couple of days and I would like to thank the Lee family for inviting our school to have the stall in the sunflowers and importantly the mums, dads, & teachers who helped out behind the scenes getting it all ready for the stall over the 2 days and the pack up afterwards.  It was fantastic to have some new Joey's families helping out over the weekend and hopefully 2022 is a kind year for our planned social & fundraising events.  


Please see some lovely photos below: