Living Well, Learning Well

Mrs Rebecca Hofman - Leader of Pedagogy

There were many bright and cheery faces this morning as our students from Year 1 - Year 6 entered the school gates, ready for another year of learning and fun. As we greeted and welcomed the students back, we wasted no time in reminding each and every student that they are safe, they are valued, respected and cared for and that they are a learner. These three pillars are known as our 'Rules for Living' which are fundamental to the Living Well, Learning Framework that is implemented in our Diocese. 

This year, to continue embedding this framework into our school, we have developed 'Come! Share the Spirit' units of work that students will undertake for the first week of the school. These units consist of understanding and identifying what our Rules for Living look like in our school context and the development of classroom expectations, delving into our school crest and how it reflects our school's history and activities to get the students thinking how they can live according to our school's motto: 'Come! Share the Spirit'. 

I look forward to sharing work samples and class activities from these units with you next week. 


In the coming weeks, we will also share with our school community how you can work with the school in ensuring that our students are safe, valued, respected and cared for and are aiming to be the best learner they can be. 


Our teachers and school staff are also instrumental in building and maintaining these Rules for Living within our school. As the year progresses, staff will continue to undertake professional learning targetted towards the Living Well, Learning Well Framework and ensuring that our students are thriving in calm and collaborative classroom climates.