Careers & Pathways News


MARCH 2022




Careers Week 2022

Collingwood College will celebrate National Careers Week from 16-22 May 2022

More information to come about exciting activities to follow…


Year 9 Careers Program 

Work has commenced on rolling out the Year 9 Careers program.

My Career Insights is a program for all Year 9 students in Victorian Government secondary schools. Students complete a series of questionnaires and quizzes accessed through the Morrisby website. They will then discuss their results with a Morrisby-trained Careers Consultant in a 30-minute interview. 

My Career Insights helps students discover, develop and drive their career planning. It is a unique opportunity for students to learn more about their strengths and abilities while exploring potential career options – giving them the confidence to start taking control of their future.

Year 9s will commence the program in term #1 and one on one interviews with qualified and independent careers practitioners in term #2. 

Information about parent consent for this program will be forthcoming via Compass. 

For more information, go to:

Year 9s will also participate later in the Real Industry Job Interview (RIJI) program.  RIJI is operated by the INLLEN (Inner Northern Local Learning and Employment Network) and provides a process for students to create their own resumes and cover letters and participate in a job interview process that mirrors ‘real life’ recruitment approaches. 


Year 10 Careers Program

For the first time at Collingwood College, year 10 students will participate in a year-long subject  established to help students think about their futures, specifically in determining senior school pathways and subject selection.

We’re hopeful that current year 10 students will also be able to participate in a work experience program later in the year. Preparation for work experience will take place in class time. 

Students can start to think about where they would like to complete a placement for later in the year. All work experience is valuable, however strategically thinking about how to use this opportunity to learn more about industries and roles of interest will be beneficial. 

Does your workplace host work experience students? Drop us an email if you are able to help out (

Given the year 9 cohort of 2021 missed most of the RIJI program during lockdown last year, we aim to make these interviews available again in 2022. 


New space for careers 

The careers room is now located on level one between the art rooms.  Students should look to notice boards throughout the school for careers information as well as in the careers room. 


Make an appointment through Collingwood College Careers websites

Students can book a time to meet with me at Collingwood College on Wednesdays. 

For Collingwood College students, go to:

Students at Wurun Senior Campus can make an appointment with me or Tyson Day, go to:


Wurun Careers Update

The Careers room at Wurun is on level three of the new building and is shared between two staff, Tyson Day and Rhonda Cadman. 

Tyson and Rhonda are both on site on Tuesdays with Tyson also available on alternating Wednesday/Thursdays. 

The senior careers newsletter is a good way to keep up to date with important information about all things careers.  We aim to issue the newsletter 4-6 times per term. The newsletter can be found on the Wurun Careers website, or go to:



Rhonda Cadman
Rhonda Cadman

Rhonda Cadman

Careers & Pathways 
