School Council 

Dear Parents, 


As we enter a new year of schooling, we will be seeking some new faces on school council.  School council elections will be upon us shortly and I would strongly encourage anyone with an interest in developing our school and working with likeminded others to nominate. We have achieved so much as a council and with my departure, as my daughter is in high school, there is certainly scope for some interested others to continue that work. If you are, stay tuned in the coming weeks for nomination forms.


In relation to the work we are currently doing, you may have noticed the painting going on at the school at the moment. The entire outside of the school is being freshened up which will make the appeal from the curb much more appealing. You may have also noticed a team of people from Mambourin who have been assisting our maintenance man in keeping our school looking great. Mambourin is an organisation that employs disabled people and builds their skills and talents in work-based environments.  We have been so impressed by their work, the Finance and Governance sub-committee, through council, have entered into a 12 month agreement with them that will see them here every two to three weeks. 


Recently we received quotes for a new playground to replace the one nearest the canteen.  The quotes and designs we have received are very exciting and the Building and Grounds sub-committee is currently working through them to recommend their preferred design to council. A diagram of the designs is attached for your reference. Once the successful design is completed, the school will have installed three new playgrounds over 12 months, all of which are quite different, all of which meet Australian standards and each of which has particular elements designed to include, engage and excite our students. 


Finally, every school is reviewed independently every four years. This year Mackellar will have its turn. In preparation for this, the Education sub-committee has done an amazing job of ensuring our school policies and processes are both up to date and meet Department of Education requirements.  This work will continue throughout this year, and as policies or processes are updated these will be communicated to you and placed on our school website. A big thank you to this committee for their ongoing work.



Gurpreet Thiara 

School Council President