
Nude Food Celebration Day

On Wednesday the 28th of November Black Rock Primary School had their first ever Nude Food Celebration Day.

The day started off with a bang, beginning with a special assembly run by the Green Team. It included interviews, a whole school game and even a catchy dance and song. The students should be congratulated on their enthusiasm and creativity!

This was followed by a cross year level activity that saw students of different ages buddy up and get talking about nude food and our environment.

Some of the activities classes got up to included:

- Recycled murals

- Planet party invitations

- Making a graph about nude food wrappers on Excel.

After lunch every class got involved with a whole school clean up. There were prizes given out throughout!

Green team members visited classrooms to investigate how Nude Food was going and announced a winner at the end of the day.

We hope everyone had a fantastic day and feel excited about planning their nude food lunches next week.

A huge thank you to our BRPS Green Team for their hard work and to all the teachers for getting involved!