Library News

Library Dragon

From Liam, Auslan/Library Teacher


AUSLAN & the Library

Thank you to everyone for the start of the year, It has been a bit of an adjustment this year as the Library now runs in the same session as Auslan for the Prep, 1, 2, and 3. I must thank all the students who have helped with this transition. As our Auslan learning continues we are going to try and integrate Auslan into Library as well to really challenge the students.


Check for Old Loan & Returns

As a general reminder out there to any families that have library books laying around at home to return them to the library once completed. The library is open 15 minutes prior to school starting each day, and after school for 15 minutes each day. You are more than welcome to return a book, or borrow a book at that time.


Premier's Reading Challenge is Approaching

I will be signing every student from Year Prep, 1, 2 and 3 up for the challenge, and I hope to create a YouTube video to help explain how to navigate the website. For Year 4, 5 and 6 students, I would love to see as many as possible join the Challenge. I will advertise to them and leave it to them to sign up while applying as much pressure I as I can to them. Parents and friends I encourage applying as much pressure to sign up as possible! 


Library Lunch Times

Tuesday: Open at Lunch Time

Wednesday: Open at Recess and Lunch Time

Thursday: Open at Lunch Time


The Premier's Reading Challenge is opening soon and information will be forwarded soon.


Happy reading!