Engagement and Wellbeing

PLP Meeting Notes

Last Friday, we held our 1st PLP meeting for the term. Below is a snapshot of the meeting for your reference. If you have any questions, please contact your class PLP or see Scott or Aaron.


ICT Review

Aaron Coulter presented survey results from the ICT review and explained the next steps in our ICT strategy, including those steps to be taken to support families with the management of devices at home.

Aaron explained that we were taking part in a JAMF trial from the Department of Education and Training around using JAMF software to support the management of devices internally whilst also supporting families in managing device time, app usage, etc at home. More information will come at a later date.

Aaron also explained the many positives of our cybersafety approach at school.

Uniform Sub-Committee

The uniform sub-committee gave an update from their most recent meeting, including the survey that is being developed to go out to families. Once complete, the results will be collated and findings presented to school council for consideration in November.

The main issues being looked into at present are around coats, the use of leggings and types of runners to be used in the school. 

Please keep an eye out on Compass for the survey.

School-Wide Positive Behaviours

Scott explained the stages the school was at in the School-Wide Positive Behaviours Framework and showed how the staff and students had given feedback on expectations for specific areas around the school. 

Scott also mentioned that the school is in the process of developing a school-wide acknowledgement system to support consistency and to positively reinforce good behaviour inside and out.

Scott sought feedback on intrinsic and extrinsic rewards as part of the acknowledgement system and after lengthy discussion, views were varied and all understood the complexity of supporting positive behaviour development in a range of students, from a range of backgrounds. Scott will take the information gained and research to the Engagement and Wellbeing team for final decisions.


We need some help in the canteen. If you can help, please contact the office and talk to Tracey Coats about any days you are available.

On Grandparents and Special Friends’ Morning, we will require approx 3-5 plates of food from each class. If you can assist, please contact your class PLP to let them know. If you are able to  the morning tea by helping out, please contact the office and ask them to pass your name onto Tracey Coats or Ange Stock.

Colour's Day

A reminder that on September 20th at Buninyong and Scotsburn we hold a variation of this day called Colours’ Day’. This is where the kids can come along in their favourite sporting team colours or simply their favourite colours for the day. All we ask is for a donation of a gold coin that the classroom teachers will collect  and send directly to the ‘Fight Cancer Organisation’. Thank you and we can’t wait to see everyone in their favourite colours on the day.

B+ Team.

Grandparents and Special Friends’ Morning

As mentioned in previous weeks, below are the details for the Grandparents and Special Friends’ Morning for everyone’s reference.


When: Thursday the 7th of November,  2019

Time: 9am - 11am with a Morning Tea from 10:45am to 11:30am.

Where: Your child’s classroom (We will have special helpers on the morning guiding guests to the appropriate rooms).

Morning tea will be held in the Grade 6 end of the BER Building.

To support this day, we ask our classes to provide a few plates of food each. If you are able to offer your culinary skills, please speak with your class PLP. Thank you!